Gabi Laske, Seismology, Geophysics, SIO (2024)

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Geophysics at Karlsruhe, the place I come from.

Black Forest Observatory, the quietest site on Earth

The Hawaiian PLUME Experiment The centerpiece of this project is a two-phase OBSdeployment to image the Hawaiian mantle plume and itsplumbing system.
The phases operated between January 2005 and June 2007. Firstresults for evidence of a deep-reaching mantle plume have been publishedin December 2009.
This work is funded by the OCE section of NSF.Matching funds are provided by the SIO director's office. A Global Crustal Model at 1x1 degrees (August 2013) This model is a comprehensive update of our previous global crustal modelsCRUST 5.1 and CRUST2.0. CRUST1.0 takes advantage of our digital 1deg sediment map (see below) and our new (and ongoing) compilationcrustal database.
This and related work has been funded by NSF, DoD and an IGPP-mini grant with LLNL. OBS Orientations PhD student Adrian Doran wrote a Python computer program for automated determination of Rayleigh wave arrival angles, and ulitmately the orientation of the horizontal seismometer components. The program, DLOPy, is applicable to any instrument but is particularly useful for free-fall ocean bottom seismometers for which the orientation is unknown. The current version of the program relies on data retrieval through OBSPY.
This work is funded by the EAR and OCE sections of NSF. Reference Earth Model Web Site The time has come to revisit the question ofspherically-symmetric reference Earth models and to beginthe process of developing reference 3D modelsand datasets.
This Web site will be maintained to collect and distributedata, models and computer code from and to participants of theREM initiative.
This work is funded by the CSEDI section of NSF. A global digital map ofsediment thickness This work has not been published (yet) but the sediment model is availableto download (and widely used). Please provide feedback. This workwas done in our spare time and funded by NSF. The Scripps 3D mantle models This page points you to our collection of 3D mantlemodels (old and new).
This work is a continuing effort to burn our spare time and, yes,funded by NSF.Normal Modes and the Rotation of the Inner Core(July 2002)This page summarizes a contribution to an AGU Monograph on the Inner Core. This work was presented at the SEDI meetingJuly 2002, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA and AGU meetings.
This research was funded by NSF. Project SWELL Seismic Wave Exploration of the Lower Lithosphere beneath theHawaiian Swell.
We do have a model of 3D shear velocity structurebeneath the pilot array.

This work is funded by the MG&G section of OCE-NSF. CRUST 2.0: A global crustal model This model superseded CRUST5.1 and has been widely used. We no longer supportthe model since CRUST1.0 was released in July 2013 but we still providethe link here. We strongly recommend to use CRUST1.0 instead. CRUST 5.1: A new global crustal model In collaboration with Walter D. Mooney (USGS, Menlo Park) Global Maps of Long-Period Surface Wave Dispersion Polarization of Long-Period Surface Waves/Station Misalignment


Doran, A.K. and Laske, G., Melt-affected ocean crust and uppermost mantle near Hawaii—clues from ambient-noise phase velocity and seafloor compliance. Geophys. J. Int., 224, 843-857, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa470, 2021.Reprint upon request to paper at GJI

2018 - 2020

Pachhai, S., Masters, G. and Laske, G., Probabilistic estimation of structure coefficients and their uncertainties, for inner-core sensitive modes, using matrix autoregression. Geophys. J. Int., 221, 1366--1383, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa077, 2020.Reprint upon request to paper at GJI

Laske, G., Book Review of ‘Seismic Ambient Noise’ edited by Nori Kanata, Lucia Gualtieri and Andreas Fichtner. Geophys. J. Int., 221, 1667-1668, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa101, 2020.pdf reprintPaper at GJI

Lindner, F., Walter, F., Laske, G. and Gimbert, F., Glaciohydraulic seismic tremors on an Alpine glacier. The Cryosphere, 14, 287-308, doi:10.5194/tc-14-287-2020, 2020.Reprint upon request to paper at The Cryosphere

Doran, A.K., Rapa, M., Laske, G., Babco*ck, J. and McPeak, S., Calibration of Differential Pressure Gauges Through in Situ Testing. Earth and Space Science, 6, doi:10.1029/2019EA000783, 2019.Reprint upon request to paper at ESS

Doran, A.K. and Laske, G., Seismic structure of marine sediments and upper oceanic crust surrounding Hawaii. J. Geophys. Res., 124, 2038-2056, doi: 10.1029/2018jb016548, 2019.Reprint upon request to paper at JGR

Lindner, F., Laske, G., Walter, F., and Doran, A.K., Crevasse-induced Rayleigh-wave azimuthal anisotropy on Glacier de la Plaine Morte, Switzerland, Ann. Glaciology, doi: 10.1017/aog.2018.25, 2018Reprint upon request to paper at Ann. Glac.

2015 - 2017

Agius, M.R., Rychert, C.A., Harmon, N. and Laske, G., Mapping the mantle transition zone beneath Hawaii from Ps receiver functions: Evidence for a hot plume and cold mantle downwellings. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 474, 226-236, 2017.Reprint upon request to paper at EPSL

Blackman, D.K., Boyce, D.E., Castelnau, O., Dawson, P.R. and Laske, G., Effects of crystal preferred orientation on upper-mantle flow near plate boundaries: rheologic feedbacks and seismic anisotropy, Geophys. J. Int., 210, 1481-1493, 2017.Reprint upon request to paper at GJI

Doran, A.K. and Laske, G., Ocean-bottom seismometer instrument orientations via automated Rayleigh-wave arrival angle measurements.Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 107, doi: 10.1785/0120160165, 2017.Reprint upon request to paper at BSSA

Berger, J., Laske, G., Babco*ck, J. and Orcutt, J., An ocean bottom seismic observatory with near real-time telemetry. Earth and Space Science, 3, 68-77, DOI:10.1002/2015EA000137, 2016.Reprint upon request to paper at ESS

Doran, A.K. and Laske, G., Infragravity waves and horizontal seafloor compliance. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 260-278, doi:10.1002/2015JB012511, 2016.Reprint upon request to paper at JGR

Thomas, C. and Laske, G., D" observations in the Pacific from PLUME ocean bottom seismometer recordings. Geophysical Journal International, 200, 849-860, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu441, 2015.Reprint upon request to paper at GJI

Laske, G. and Widmer-Schnidrig, R.,Normal Mode & Surface Wave Observations. in: "Treatise on Geophysics, Volume1: Seismology and Structure of the Earth", Vol. 1 (2nd edition), 117-165, 2015.pdf reprint

2012 - 2014

Ma, Z. Masters, T.G., Laske, G. and Pasyanos, M., A comprehensive dispersion model of surface wave phase and group velocity for the globe. Geophysical Journal International, 199, 113-135, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu246, 2014.Reprint upon request to paper at GJI

Pasyanos, M.E., Masters, T.G. Laske, G. and Ma Z., LITHO1.0: An updated crust and lithospheric model of the Earth. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 2153-2172, doi:10.1002/2013jb010626, 2014.Reprint upon request to paper at JGR

Rychert, C.A., Laske, G., Harmon, N. and Shearer, P.M., Seismic imaging of melt in a displaced Hawaiian plume. Nature Geoscience, 6, 657-660, doi:10.1038/ngeo1878, 2013.Reprint upon request to paper at Nature Geoscience

Brown, P.G. and 31 co-authors, A 500-kiloton airburst over Chelyabinsk and an enhanced hazard from small impactors. Nature, 238-241, doi:10.1038/nature12741, 2013.Reprint upon request to paper at Nature

Collins, J.A., Wolfe, C.J. and Laske, G., Shear wave splitting at the Hawaiian hot spot from the PLUME land and ocean bottom seismometer deployments. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 13 DOI:10.1029/2011gc003881, 2012. Reprint upon request to at G-cubed

Yang, Z.H., Sheehan, A.F., Collins, J.A. and Laske, G., The character of seafloor ambient noise recorded offshore New Zealand: Results from the MOANA ocean bottom seismic experiment. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13, DOI: 10.1029/2012GC004201, 2012. Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at G-cubed

2009 - 2011

Laske, G., Markee, A., Orcutt, J.A. Wolfe, C.J., Collins, J.A., Solomon, S.C., Detrick, R.S., ,Bercovici, D. and Hauri, E.H., Asymmetric Shallow Mantle Structure beneath the Hawaiian Swell - Evidence from Rayleigh Waves Recorded by the PLUME network. Geophys. J. Int., 187, 1725-1742, 2011. download reprint (incl supplement) paper at gji

Anchieta, M.C., Wolfe, C.J., Pavlis, G.L., Vernon, F.L., Eakins, J.A., Solomon, S.C., Laske, G. and Collins, J.A., Seismicity around the Hawaiian Islands Recorded by the PLUME Seismometer Networks: Insight into Faulting near Maui, Molokai, and Oahu. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 101, 1742-1758, 2011. Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at BSSA

Tian, Y., Zhou, Y., Sigloch, K., Nolet, G. and Laske, G., Structure of North American mantle constrained by simlutaneous inversion of multiple-frequency $SH, SS$ and Love waves. J. Geophys. Res., 116, B02307, doi:10.1029/2010JB007704, 2011. Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at JGR

Wolfe, C.J., Solomon, S.C., Laske, G., Collins, J.A., Detrick, R.S., Orcutt, J.A.,Bercovici, D. and Hauri, E.H., Mantle P-wave velocity structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 303, 267-280, 2011. Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at EPSL

Leahy, G.M., Collins, J.A., Wolfe, C.J., Laske, G. and Solomon, S.C., Underplating of the Hawaiian Swell: evidence from teleseismic receiver functions. Geophys. J. Int., 183, 313-329, 2010. Reprint upon request to paper at GJI

Wolfe, C.J., Solomon, S.C., Laske, G., Collins, J.A., Detrick, R.S., Orcutt, J.A.,Bercovici, D. and Hauri, E.H., Mantle Shear-wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Hawaiian Hot Spot. Science, 326, 1388-1390, 2009. Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at Science

Laske, G., Collins, J.A., Wolfe, C.J., Solomon, S.C., Detrick, R.S., Orcutt, J.A.,Bercovici, D. and Hauri, E.H., 2009. Probing The Hawaiian Hot Spot With New Ocean Bottom Instruments, EOS Trans. AGU, 90, 362-363. complete pdf (incl. supplement)paper at EOS

Weber, M. and the DESERT Working Group (68 authors),Anatomy of the Dead Sea Transform from Lithospheric to Microscopic Scale. Rev. Geophys., 47, RG2002, 2009.Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at RG corrigendum

Grad, M., Tiira, T. and ESC Working Group (62 authors),The Moho depth map of the European Plate, Geophys. J. Int., 176, 279-292, 2009.Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at GJI

2008 and prior

Houser, C., Masters, G., Shearer, P. and Laske, G.,Shear and compressional velocity models of the mantle from cluster analysis of long-period waveforms. Geophys. J. Int., 174, 195-212, 2008.Reprint upon request to paper at GJI

Laske, G., Weber, M. and the DESERT Working Group,Lithosphere Structure Across the Dead Sea Transform as Constrainedby Rayleigh Waves Observed During the DESERT Experiment. Geophys. J. Int., 173, 593-610,2008.pdfpaper at GJI

Laske, G., Phipps Morgan, J. and Orcutt, J.A.,The Hawaiian SWELL Pilot Experiment - Evidence for Lithosphere Rejuvenation fromOCean Bottom Surface Wave Data. GSA Special Paper 430, doi:10.1130/2007.2430(11), 2007.pdf preprint
NB: the GSA reprint available at GSA does not include the supplements that are available online at GSA.

Laske, G. and Widmer-Schnidrig, R.,Normal Mode & Surface Wave Observations. in: "Treatise on Geophysics, Volume1: Seismology and Structure of the Earth", Vol. 1, 67-125, 2007.pdf preprint
NB: author order in the print version/book is reverse and wrong.

Zhou, Y., Nolet, G., Dahlen, F.A. and Laske, G.,Global upper mantle structure from finite-frequency surface-wave tomography.J. Geophys. Res., 111, B04304, doi:10.1029/2005/JB003677, 2006.Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at JGR

Zhou, Y., Dahlen, F.A., Nolet, G. and Laske, G.,Finite-frequency effects in global surface-wave tomography.Geophys. J. Int., 163, 1087-1111, 2005.Reprint upon request to paper at GJI

Park, J., Song, T.A., Tromp, J., Okal, E., Stein, S., Roult, G.,Clevede, E., Laske, G., Kanamori, H., Davis, P., Berger, J., Braitenberg, C.,Vam Camp, M., Lei, X., Sun, H., Xu, H. and Rosat, S.Earth's Free Oscillations Excited by the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-AndamanEarthquake.Science, 308, 1139-1144, 2005.pdfpaper at Science

Butler, R., Lay, T., Creager, K., Earle, P., Fischer, K.,Gaherty, J., Laske, G., Leith, B., Park, J., Ritzwoller, M.,Tromp, J. and Wen, L., The Global Seismographic NetworkSurpasses Its Design Goal.EOS Trans. AGU, 85, 225-229, 2004.pdfpaper at EOS

Laske, G. and Masters, G., The Earth's Free Oscillationsand the Differential Rotation of the Inner Core.AGU Geodynamics series, "Earth's Core; Dynamics, Structure, Rotation",Vol. 31, 5-21, 2003. pdf preprintReprint upon request to

Cotte, N. and Laske, G., Testing group velocity maps for EurasiaGeophys. J. Int., 150, 639-650, paper at GJI

Laske, G. and Cotte, N., Surface Wave Waveform Anomalies at the Saudi SeismicNetwork, Geophys. Res. Let., 28, 4383-4386, 2001.pdfpaper at GRL

Masters, G., Laske, G. and Gilbert, F., Large-scale Earth Structure from Analyses ofFree-Oscillation Splitting and Coupling, In: E. Boschi, G. Ekstroem and A. Morelli (eds.)"Problems in Geophysics for the New Millenium", Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica eVulcanologia, Rome, Italy, 255-288, 2000.
pdf preprint of appendix

Masters, G., Laske, G. and Gilbert, F., Matrix autoregressive analysis of free-oscillationcoupling and splitting. Geophys. J. Int. (Knopoff Festschrift), 143, 478-489, 2000.pdf pdf at GJI

Zürn, W., Laske, G., Widmer-Schnidrig, R. and Gilbert, F., Observation of Corioliscoupled modes below 1 mHz, Geophys. J. Int., 143, 113-118, 2000.pdf paper at GJI

Masters, G., Laske, G. and F. Gilbert, Autoregressive Estimation of the Splitting Matrix of Free-Oscillation Multiplets.Geophys. J. Int., 141, 25-42, 2000. pdfpdf at GJI

Masters, G., Laske, G. Bolton, H. and A. Dziewonski, The relative behavior of shear velocity, bulk sound speed, and compressionalvelocity in the mantle: implications for chemical and thermalstructure. AGU Monograph series, "Seismology and Mineral Physics",Vol. 117, 63-87, 2000. pdf.

Laske, G. and G. Masters, Limits on differential rotation of theinner core from an analysis of the Earth's free oscillations. Nature, 402, 66-68, 1999.pdfpaper at Nature

Laske, G., Phipps Morgan J. and J.A. Orcutt, First results from theHawaiian SWELL Pilot Experiment. Geophys. Res. Let., 26, 3397-3400, 1999.pdfpaper at GRL

Laske, G. and G. Masters, Surface wave polarization data andglobal anisotropic structure. Geophys. J. Int., 132, 508-520, 1998.pdfpdf at GJI

Mooney, W.D., G. Laske and G. Masters, CRUST 5.1: A globalcrustal model at 5 x 5 degrees. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 727-747,1998.
Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at JGR

Laske, G. and G. Masters, Constraints on global phase velocitymaps by long-period polarization data. J. Geophys. Res., 101,16,059-16,075, 1996.
Reprint upon request to glaske@ucsd.edupaper at JGR

Masters, G., S. Johnson, G. Laske and H. Bolton, Ashear-velocity model of the mantle. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. LondonA, 354, 1285-1411, 1996.paper at PhilTrans

Laske, G., Global observation of off-great circle propagation oflong-period surface waves. Geophys. J. Int., 123, 245-259, 1995.pdfpdf at GJI

Laske G., G. Masters and W. Zürn, Frequency-dependentpolarization measurements of long period surface waves and theirimplications for global phase velocity maps. Phys. Earth Planet.Int., 84, 111-137, 1994.pdfpaper at PEPI

Laske G., Frequency-dependentpolarization measurements of long period surface waves and theirimplications for global phase velocity maps. Doctoral Thesis,Universität Karlsruhe, Germany, 1993.

Zürn W., H.-G. Wenzel and G. Laske, High quality data dromLaCoste-Romberg gravimeters with electrostatic feedback: Achallenge for superconducting gravimeters. Bull. d'InformationsMarees Terrestres, 110, 7940-7952, 1991.

Koptschalitsch, G., Die Anwendung der zeitvariablen Filterungbei der Eigenschwingungsanalyse, Diploma Thesis, UniversitätKarlsruhe, Germany, 1987.

Mechie, J., C. Prodehl and G. Koptschalitsch, Ray pathinterpretation of the crustal structure beneath Saudi Arabia.Tectonophysics, 131, 333-352, 1986.paper at Tectonophysics


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Gabi Laske, Seismology, Geophysics, SIO (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.