Harv's Island Shopping Plaza - Animal Crossing: New Horizons Guide - IGN (2024)


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Harv's Island has received a substantial upgrade with the Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0 Update. Several shopping spots join Harv's photo studio on the faraway island and offer a variety of services, along with a new home for many Special Characters. These characters will make permanent shops in the plaza, allowing you more freedom to search and buy the things you’re looking for. This page contains info regarding how to unlock all the shops at Harv's Island, and how the different shops work in ACNH.

  • On this page you'll find:
    • #What's New at Harv's Island?
    • How the Shops at Harv's Island Work
    • Harriet - Hairstyles
    • Katrina - Fortune Teller
    • Saharah - Wallpapers and Flooring
    • Tortimer - Storage
    • Resse and Cyrus - Customizations
    • Leif - Plant Shop
    • Redd - Art and Raffle
    • Kicks - Shoes and Accessories
    • Which Harv's Island Shop Should You Open First?

What's at New at Harv's Island?


Harriet and Harv need your help to open spots for various shop owners on the island. If you give enough money to the Lloids around the area, you'll unlock shops for several familiar characters. You can build the shops in any order you wish, but only one can be built per day.

Each shop costs 100,000 Bells to unlock, which is no small amount! But, as you build more shops, you’ll discover that some donations have already been made. Even if it's only 2,000 Bells or so, that’s still better than zero. Harv will also install an ABD (the ATM) in front of the Plaza’s entrance. So, if your wallet is ever low, just use it to withdraw money from your savings account.

  • For tips on how to make Bells, check out our Money Making Guide - How to Get Bells Fast.

How Shops Work at Harv's Island

At the start, you’ll only have Harriet on Harv’s Island, but as you donate money to the Lloids, you can make permanent shops. From left to right going clockwise, the spots are for Katrina, Saharah, Toritimer, Reese and Cyrus, Leif, Redd, and Kicks. After you've read how each shop works, make sure to check out the final section of this page titled Which Harv's Island Shop Should You Open First?

Once unlocked, every shop at Harv's Island opens at 5am — however, they each have their own closing times! Tortimer and Leif close at 11pm. Reese & Cyrus and Saharah close at midnight. Katrina and Redd close at 1am. Note: Island Ordinances do not affect the shops at Harv's Island. Learn more about using Island Ordinances by viewing our guide.

  • Click below to scroll to that section on this page:
    • Harriet - Hairstyles
    • Katrina - Fortune Teller
    • Saharah - Wallpapers and Flooring
    • Tortimer - Storage
    • Resse and Cyrus - Customizations
    • Leif - Plant Shop
    • Redd - Art and Raffle
    • Kicks - Shoes and Accessories

Harriet at Harv's Island - Hairstyles

Unlike the other merchants at the Plaza, you don't need to pay to unlock Harriet. Instead, she's there from the start, offering her famous hairstyle services. Additionally, Harriet's services aren't permanent (more on that in the next paragraph).

Once a day, you can visit her to receive a random new hairstyle. If you don't like the hairstyle she's given you, you can ask her to change it back to what you had before – so no need to worry.


There are seven different hairstyles you get from Harriet. Hairstyles given to you by Harriet will also unlock at a mirror or vanity, so you can try them out any time you like on your own island. Once you've gotten all of Harriet's styles, she'll no longer offer her services, but you can still chat with her during your visits.

Katrina at Harv's Island - Fortune Teller

  • Hours of operation: 5am - 1am

To unlock Katrina on Harv's Island, speak to the first Lloid on the left who will tell you that you can invite a “mysteriously accurate fortune teller.” Once funded, you can have your fortune read by her once a day. For 1,000 Bells, you can choose to learn about your luck that day or to learn about your friendship with another.

If you choose to learn about your luck, Katrina will dramatically reveal your day’s fortune. Your luck may be good, bad, or not even matter. It’ll usually be a vague statement about what might possibly happen. She may tell you that you have good luck with money or belongings. This could mean you’ll have a higher chance of possibly finding more money by shaking trees, or shooting down floating gifts, etc.

It’s possible that you might have bad luck with money or health. This could mean that you’re less likely to find money when shaking trees or in regards to luck more likely to encounter Wasps, Tarantulas, or Scorpions. And of course, if you receive news of bad luck, Katrina will offer you a purification ritual (for 10,000 Bells) to possibly turn the tide. See the full list of fortunes by viewing our guide, Katrina Fortune Meanings.

If you choose to learn about friendship, Katrina will ask you to select one of your neighbors. This will give you an insight into your friendship rating with that villager. If you don’t interact much with a certain villager, she will likely tell you that your bond with them is low (or fine). If this is the case, she will offer a prayer (for 10,000 Bells) to help strengthen your bond with that villager. This doesn’t seem to have any noticeable changes in the villager’s behavior—but it can’t hurt, so why not try it? If Katrina says your bond with that villager is strong, then she won’t offer the prayer.


  • About Villager Friendships: Villagers have a hidden friendship rating that you can raise by talking to them, giving them gifts (the more expensive the better), and completing tasks for them. Do this enough, and they’ll start offering to sell or buy items with you and even give you a framed portrait of themselves to display in your home.

Saharah at Harv's Island - Wallpapers and Flooring

  • Hours of operation: 5am - 12am (closed if Saharah is visiting your island)

To unlock Saharah’s shop, speak to the second Lloid on the left who will tell you that you can invite a “merchant offering rugs and mysterious wallpapers.” Saharah is one of the regular merchants who visits your island on a weekly basis.

Once you build Saharah's shop, you’ll find her at Harv’s Island whenever she’s not visiting your island. The items she has available to sell rotate every week. Each week she’ll offer two Mysterious Floorings and Wallpapers, as well as four types of rugs. These items will not be the same ones that she'll be selling on your island when she visits that week. So her mysterious things will still be mysterious.

At her shop, you’ll actually be able to see what the items are before buying them — unlike when she visits your island and you don’t find out what the item is until you buy it. That’s certainly a positive; however, there is a tradeoff. Items at her shop are more expensive than when she visits your island.

When she's in your town, Saharah sells Mysterious Wallpapers and Floorings for 3,000 Bells. If you buy them from her shop at Harv’s Island, they’ll cost 600 more. Rugs are also more expensive. Small Rugs are 200 more. Medium and Large Rugs are 300 and 400 more Bells, respectively. Lastly, you cannot earn or spend Saharah Tickets when you buy from her on Harv’s Island.

  • To learn more about Saharah and how she works when she's selling on your island, click here.


Tortimer at Harv's Island - Storage

  • Hours of operation: 5am - 11pm

To unlock Tortimer, speak to the third Lloid on the left, who will tell you that you can invite an “old-timer who’ll give you access to your home storage.” Once you’ve spent the money to establish Tortimer’s spot at Harv’s Island, you won’t need to spend any money again to use his services. Tortimer’s service is simple. Speak to him and you’ll have access to your in-home storage. He works just like a Storage Shed, so you’ll be able to put items into your home storage or take things out.

During autumn, Tortimer adopts his Cornimer persona. The first time you speak to him each day, he’ll offer you 10 acorns. You can choose to accept them or not. It’s just something he likes to do during that time of the year. Whether you take the acorns or not, you’ll be able to use his services afterward— however, if you don't accept the acorns when he first offers them to you, he'll continue offering them each time you speak to him.

Reese and Cyrus at Harv's Island - Customization

  • Hours of operation: 5am - 12am

The adorable alpaca pair are now available all year in New Horizons and not just in Wedding Season. To unlock them, speak to the Lloid in the top center who will tell you that you can invite a "talented husband-and-wife furniture-refurbishing team."

Once established, Cyrus will offer you his customization services! He can customize almost any leaf item (furniture). His customizations work for any furniture item in the game that has variations in colors/styles. Here, you can change the color of certain Nook Miles items, such as the Streetlamp, the Lighthouse, and even the new Storage Shed. Before this upgrade, you'd have to trade with a friend if your island didn't offer the color option you wanted. If it’s available in multiple styles, Cyrus can customize it!


Bring the item you wish to customize with you and speak to Cyrus. Instead of customization kits, you'll pay him Bells to customize the item for you, allowing you to choose any color or style available for it in the game, and he does it in just a few seconds! When speaking to Cyrus, you’ll see the leaf items (furniture) you’re carrying. Things that cannot be customized will be grayed out. Things that only he can customize will have a small blue Cyrus Icon next to them.

Cyrus can also customize things that you’d be able to transform yourself with a customization kit or a resource from a seasonal/special event. These items will also be selectable, but will not feature the small blue icon next to them.

Cyrus’s customizations are a fantastic way to finally get the colors/style of items you’ve been looking for – especially since Nook’s Cranny usually sells the same-color surfboard, chair, etc. Buying items and then customizing them can get expensive, so shop smart. If you want to buy multiples of a certain item that Nook's Cranny only sells in one color; buy that item once and have Cyrus customize it to the color you want.

To buy more, search for it using the Nook Shopping app! You’ll now be able to buy that item with that style from the catalog! This is only possible for items furniture that's purchasable with Bells, not ones obtained from Nook Miles or DIYs.

Leif at Harv's Island - Plant Shop

  • Hours of operation: 5am - 11pm (closed if Leif is visiting your island)

To unlock Leif’s shop at Harv’s Island, speak to the third Lloid on the right who will tell you that you can invite a “botany expert with the greenest of thumbs.” Leif is one of the regular merchants who visits your island on a weekly basis and sets up a shop in front of Resident Services.

Leif’s shop at Harv’s Island features a variety of produce, shrubs, and seeds. His stock is unlimited, so feel free to buy as much as you want. When visiting your island, he will usually sell plants that relate to the current season. On Harv’s Island, Leif offers different varieties of produce, shrubs, and seeds. These items refresh on a weekly basis.


Leif also offers two services relating to weeds. The first one involves purchasing weeds. You can sell him clumps of weeds for more money than you would get by selling them in Nooks Cranny. The second, Leif’s Weeding Service, allows you to pay him 100,000 Bells to remove all the weeds on your island. The next day, your island will be free of weeds! You’ll be able to find all the weeds Leif removed in the recycling box inside Resident Service. You can then sell them back to him to make some money back!

  • You can learn more about Leif by checking out his page of our wiki.

Redd at Harv's Island - Legitimate Art and Raffle

  • Hours of operation: 5am - 1am (closed if Redd is visiting your island)

To unlock Redd’s shop, speak to the second Lloid on the right who will tell you that you can invite a “legitimate art dealer.” Redd is one of the most elusive merchants who visits your island — you can learn how Redd shows up on your island by seeing our guide. When he visits your town, he’ll offer four art pieces (of questionable authenticity) and two items in special color variants. However, on Harv’s Island, Redd’s shop works a little differently.

Don’t get conned! Check out our Redd Art Guide: Real and Fake Paintings and Sculptures page to make sure you know if you’re buying a genuine masterpiece or a forgery!

At Harv’s Island, Redd only offers two pieces of art at a time. You can only buy one per day. As usual, you’ll need to wait until the next day to receive the item in the mail. If you visit him at the Plaza the next day, a new piece will have replaced the one you bought. If you don’t buy anything, you’ll need to wait until the next Monday for him to refresh his stock.

Redd doesn’t just specialize in “legitimate” art at Harv’s island; he also operates a raffle. Speak to him, or interact with the small box he’s standing next to, and he’ll inform you about his raffle. For 500 Bells, you can pull a raffle ticket from the box and win a prize. Each ticket has a number corresponding to their prize, and you’re guaranteed to win each time. You can keep buying tickets as much as you want!


The prizes you can win from Redd’s raffle are various items your character can carry with them, like a paper fan, a glowstick, or even a magazine. You can also win a variety of treats ranging from donuts to ice cream, and even canned drinks. There are 30 possible prizes to collect (shown below)! These prizes are different from the prizes won from Redd’s Raffle at the Fireworks Festival during the summer.

Redds Raffle at Harv's Island - All Prizes and Winning Numbers
Winning NumberPrize
1Peachy-pink Folding Fan
2Sky-blue Folding Fan
3Grass-green Folding Fan
4Bitter-orange Folding Fan
5Vanilla Cone
6Chocolate Cone
7Strawberry Cone
8Ramune-soda-lemon Cone
9Melon-cheesecake Cone
10Orange-mint Cone
11Vanilla Soft Serve
12Chocolate Softserve
13Matcha-vanilla Soft Serve
14Berry-vanilla Soft Serve
15Rainbow Soft Serve
16Canned Orange Juice
17Canned Grape Juice
18Canned Apple Juice
19Canned Green Tea
20Canned Tea
21Canned Coffee
22Canned Sports Drink
23Canned Soda
24Chocolate Donut
25Matcha Donut
26Strawberry Donut
27White-chocolate Donut
29Pocket Magazine
30Colorful Lightstick

Kicks at Harv's Island - Shoes and Accessories

  • Hours of operation: 5am - 12am (closed if Kicks is visiting your island)

To unlock Kicks’ shop in Harv’s Island, speak to the first Lloid on the right who is looking for a “dapper dealer of fine shoes and handbags.” Kicks is one of the regular merchants who visits your island on a weekly basis and sets up a shop in front of Resident Services.

At Harv’s Island, Kicks offers a variety of shoes, socks, and handbags. His stock is unlimited, so feel free to buy as much as you want. The items he sells at Harv’s Island are refreshed every Monday. If Kicks is visiting your island, he will have items on sale that are different from the ones sold at Harv’s that week.

Which Harv’s Island Shop Should You Open First?

With the six-figure price tags and the limitation of only building one per day, you may want to try optimizing which shops you open first. There isn’t objectively a “best” option because of the abundance of play styles Animal Crossing fosters. On this page, we’ve already listed everything each shop does and how it works, but if you’re still unsure about which one should be first, here are some of our suggestions. Let us know which order you chose, and why, in the comments!


  • Do NOT unlock Tortimer first! Tortimer is the least beneficial option as a first choice in Harv's Island. Tortimer allows you to access your storage. However, if you’re at the Plaza without any of the other shops, there is no need to access your storage at all. Only start with Tortimer if you just can’t wait to see the lovely old turtle, and if that’s so, we totally get it!
  • Consider starting with Reese and Cyrus. Cyrus can customize SO many items, and some, in styles you can’t even find elsewhere in the game! If you’re really into seeing the different colors/styles of items and experimenting with the customizations, open Tortimer’s spot second! This will allow you to customize everything in your in-home storage without ever leaving Harv’s Island.
  • If you collected all the art, then leave Redd’s shop for last. If you're still looking for art then Redd isn't bad as one of the first options, but make sure you read the section "Redd at Harv's Island" earlier on this page to learn how his shop operates.
  • Consider waiting on Saharah, Leif, and Kicks. They’ll visit your island every week anyways, so you won’t necessarily be missing anything by waiting. Building their shops mainly just gives you a wider selection of their products, but that’s about it. Of course, if you’re desperately looking for plant’s you may want to consider Leif, but for most folks, these three merchants would be the least exciting shops on Harv’s Island.

Up Next: Harriet at Harv's Island - Hairstyles

PreviousSurprise New Features in the 2.0 UpdateNextHarriet at Harv's Island - Hairstyles

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Harv's Island Shopping Plaza - Animal Crossing: New Horizons Guide - IGN (1)

Animal Crossing: New Horizons


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Harv's Island Shopping Plaza - Animal Crossing: New Horizons Guide - IGN (2024)


How to unlock Harriet at Harvs island? ›

Unlike the other merchants at the Plaza, you don't need to pay to unlock Harriet. Instead, she's there from the start, offering her famous hairstyle services. Additionally, Harriet's services aren't permanent (more on that in the next paragraph). Once a day, you can visit her to receive a random new hairstyle.

Why can't I unlock Harv's Plaza? ›

How do I unlock Harv's Island Plaza? Harv's Island with the photo studio unlocks once you get three villagers living on your island. He'll give you a call, and invite you to fly over to his island via the airport. If you've already been there, Harv will send a letter asking you to visit him on his island.

How to unlock Leif's shop on Harv's island? ›

Talk to Harv the day after

Once the building is complete, head to the plaza to find Harv talking to Leif. Talk to them to open up Leif's shop on Harv's Island. Note that Leif will not show up on Harv's Island if he is currently on your island, so be sure to check your island's town hall to see if he is there!

How to get a harvs letter? ›

Pick up Harv's letter in your mailbox to find out that he has something to tell you once you visit his island. He will only mail you this letter after you've reached a 3-star rating on your island.

Why can't I explore Harv's island? ›

To unlock the island, the player needs to speak to Harvey when he visits after three villagers move into the player's island. He tells the player that he owns his own island and invites them to visit.

How often does Harriet cut hair in ACNH? ›

The player can only get one haircut per day. Harriet will be at the Roost Café, 11:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Mon - Fri, but the player must have Nookington's in their town first. After the player has had all the different hairstyles, Harriet will offer them a haircut of the opposite gender.

Why hasn't Harv sent me a letter? ›

However, the only way for players to receive the letter from Harvey is if their island has at least a 3-star evaluation rating. To check on the rating, players can speak to Isabelle.

What happens if you tell Harriet you don't like the hairstyle? ›

If you don't like what Harriet has done to your head, ask and she'll revert it straight back to what you had before.

Why isn't Leif coming to my island? ›

Given Leif's comments when first introducing himself, it is likely that Leif will only start appearing on your island once you have helped Timmy open Nook's Cranny - similar to Mable of the Able Sisters.

How to unlock the co-op on Harv's island? ›

There are 7 co-ops available to unlock. Each co-op requires a donation of 100,000 , paid to the respective Lloid on the designated spot, and only one co-op may be funded per day.

How do I know when Leif is coming? ›

In New Horizons, Leif was added to the game in the Nature Day update. Leif randomly visits your island once per week. When he visits, he'll set up his kiosk at the plaza in front of Resident Services. He'll sell an assortment of shrubs and flowers that you can place all over your island to decorate with.

Is Harvs island worth it? ›

Slider's credit roll, you'll get a letter from Harv the next day telling you he's interested in expanding his island. This is a small post-game extension that adds extremely valuable facilities to Harv's Island. Before you get to that point though, yeah, Harv's Island is pretty useless outside of the Photopia feature.

How to get venders on Harv's island? ›

By spending Bells, the player can unlock booths for various vendors and have access to them way more frequently than they visit the player's island. Setting up a space for each vendor costs 100,000 Bells, and there are seven in total to unlock (excluding Harv and Harriet, who are both unlocked by default).

How to unlock Harriet in Wild World? ›

In Wild World

Harriet will be at The Roost, from 11:00pm – 12:00am, Monday - Friday, but they must have Nookington's in their town.

How to unlock Harriet's shop? ›

Shampoodle is a store in the Animal Crossing series. The store is run by Harriet. It is located above the Able Sisters store. This store must be unlocked by having Kicks open for 7 days, and spending 10,000 Bells at the Able Sisters.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.