Jalapeno Pepper: Exploring Its Research-Backed Health Benefits - PharmEasy Blog (2024)

By Dr. Ashish Bajaj +2more

Jalapeno Pepper: Exploring Its Research-Backed Health Benefits - PharmEasy Blog (1) Medically reviewed byDr. Ashish Bajaj

Jalapeno Pepper: Exploring Its Research-Backed Health Benefits - PharmEasy Blog (2)Last updated: Apr 30, 2024

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Table of Contents

Key Highlights:

  • Originating from Mexico, jalapeno peppers are a popular chilli pepper worldwide.
  • Cultivated in various climates with high yields, they are perfect for culinary and medicinal purposes.
  • Rich in nutrients like vitamins C, E, and capsaicin, jalapeno peppers offer numerous health benefits.
  • Jalapeno peppers stand at 2,500-8,000 Scoville Heat Units, catering to various spice preferences.
  • Incorporate jalapeno peppers in various recipes to add flavour and health benefits to your diet.


Do you love adding extra jalapenos on your pizza? Of course you do! This variety of chili pepper can really enhance the taste of pizzas, burgers, subs and everything else! That’s largely because of its spicy flavor! Jalapeno peppers are loved worldwide because of their fiery spice and many health perks. These spicy veggies offer rich tastes in various foods. Enjoy them in chips and dips, as well as main course meals. But they are not only tasteful. Scientists have also looked into the health upsides of eating these peppers. So in this chat, we’ll delve into the history and growth of jalapenos and their varied types, sum up their healthful parts, and underline the well-researched health perks of this well-known chilli pepper. Let’s dive in!

Jalapeno Pepper: Exploring Its Research-Backed Health Benefits - PharmEasy Blog (3)

Did you know?

Origin of Jalapeno Pepper

“Jalapeno” comes from a place named, Xalapa (or Jalapa), Veracruz, in Mexico. This is where these peppers were first grown. They hold a high spot in Mexican food, used by Aztecs in plenty of dishes and even as a spice. Over time, jalapeno use spread across the earth. Today, they remain a top ingredient in many global foods. Their wide appeal is clear. Jalapeno peppers are the top chili peppers picked and eaten around the globe.

Growing Jalapeno Peppers

Jalapeno peppers do well in different soils and temperatures. This makes them handy for food use and farm use. Even so, these peppers still need special care to give the top yields and the best quality.

Planting Jalapeno Peppers

The key to a good jalapeno crop is proper early planting. Start your plants indoors about 2-3 months before moving them outside. This can greatly boost their growth and outcomes. It’s also important to water the young soil and budding plants often but not too much. Why? To keep your jalapeno garden healthy.

Jalapeno Plant Care

The whole life of the jalapeno plant needs careful attention. This includes giving it enough sun (no less than 6-8 hours a day) and making sure the soil drains well. Right pH levels of 4.5 to 7.0 are best for jalapeno growth. Also, keeping an eye on water and sunlight helps lessen any possible stresses on the plant, such as uneven watering or heat changes.

Jalapeno Pepper Types

Even though jalapeno peppers are usually green, these adjustable plants come in lots of types and flavors, suited for any taste.

Blended and Sub-Types

Over time, growers have bred a big mix of jalapeno blends and sub-types. Each shows its own traits and tastes. These changes often focus on disease resistance, softer heat levels, quick ripening, better looks, and higher yields. Some F1 blend types include Mitla, Perfecto, Tula, and Grande. Each is fit in its own way for different food or farm uses.

Sweet Blends

Apart from the usual jalapeno types, crosse owners have also made blends with a sweeter taste. These lack heat but are full of flavour. These sweet jalapeno peppers are a nice choice for those who want less heat but still crave the traditional jalapeno taste and smell.

Understanding Jalapeno Pepper’s Make-Up

Having a full understanding of jalapeno peppers requires knowing their make-up. These parts add to the overall spice, taste, and look of jalapeno peppers.

  • Seed: The seed is a key part of the jalapeno pepper. It has the genetic info and impacts the pepper’s spice level.
  • Placenta: The placenta houses the seeds and links them to the fruit wall. Although it tends to be eaten less than the seeds, the placenta holds the top amount of capsaicin—the stuff that makes the pepper spicy.
  • Fruit wall: The fruit wall, also called the pericarp, holds the jalapeno pepper. It shields its inner parts and can be used in a lot of foods due to its texture and flavour.

How Spicy are Jalapeno Peppers?

With a medium range of spiciness, jalapenos have their own place when compared to other chili peppers.

Scoville Heat Units

The Scoville scale measures pepper spice by checking its capsaicin amount. Jalapeno peppers rank between 2,500 and 8,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), placing them as medium hot. This is when compared to other chilli peppers. Even so, each jalapeno pepper can vary in heat. So it’s key to test them before adding them to your foods.

Changes in Spiciness

Many things impact the overall spice of jalapeno peppers. This includes growing settings, ripeness levels, and individual plants. Fast-growing and well-watered jalapenos usually taste milder. But jalapenos left longer on the plant or exposed to tough conditions may be hotter.

See what changes jalapeno pepper heat levels:

FactorEffect on Jalapeno Spice
Growing conditionsHeat levels can change
Maturity levelMore ripeness means more heat
Individual plantsUneven spice levels

Healthful Bits and Health Gains

Jalapeno peppers not only spice up your meals but they’re also filled with needed healthful bits and tested health gains.

What’s Inside

High in vitamins and minerals, jalapeno peppers hold large amounts of vital healthful bits like vitamins A, C, K, and B6, magnesium, fibre, folate, carotene (an antioxidant), and an active ingredient known as capsaicin, which offers several health benefits. These healthful bits help give the many health gains linked to eating jalapeno peppers.

Check out some vital bits inside jalapeno peppers:

Healthful BitHow It Helps in Jalapeno Pepper
Vitamin CAntioxidant, helps boost immune system, may help fight cancer
Vitamin EAntioxidant, helps skin health
CapsaicinHelps soothe inflammation, helps pain relief

One raw jalapeno contains the following:

  • Calories: 4
  • Fiber: 0.4 grams
  • Vitamin C: 10% of the RDI (Recommended Daily Intake)
  • Vitamin B6: 4% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 2% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: 2% of the RDI
  • Folate: 2% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 2% of the RDI

Like most fruits and vegetables, jalapeno peppers are a good source of fibre. One pepper provides 2% of the RDI for a person consuming 2,000 calories per day.

Health Benefits Of Jalapeno

Jalapeno peppers have been studied a lot for their possible health gains. Here are a few of the health upsides backed by research that are linked with eating jalapenos:

  1. Anti-inflammatory: Capsaicin, found in jalapenos, has been found to lower swelling and give natural pain help.
  2. Improved digestion: Eating jalapeno peppers can aid digestion and avoid gut issues
  3. Weight control: The heat effect of capsaicin may help weight loss by increasing the body’s burn rate of calories and fat.
  4. Kills bacteria: Studies point out jalapeno peppers may hold parts that may help kill bad bacteria and help in managing infections like strep throat and tooth decay,
  5. Antioxidant gains: High in vitamins C and E, jalapenos offer antioxidant protection against cell harm and sickness.
  6. Cancer: Jalapenos are packed with vitamin C, that are known to fight against free radicals, which are likely to trigger the development of cancer cells. The plant compound capsaicin, which is present in it, can kill certain types of cancer cells.
  7. Helps to keep heart health in check: High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and diabetes are major risk factors for heart disease. But this chilli pepper contains high flavonoids, vitamins C, A, and capsaicin, which are likely to help in the prevention of heart diseases and other risk factors.

In my understanding, when applied externally, capsaicin from jalapeno peppers may relieve pain. By momentarily blocking pain receptors in the affected area, it may reduce pain. One may initially experience burning, which is followed by numbness and lack of pain. Capsaicin lotions and patches are commonly used to ease chronic muscular and joint pain, diabetic nerve pain, and shingles-related pain. You can talk to your doctor to check if one might be helpful for you.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Ways to Add Jalapeno Peppers to Your Daily Food

Here are some ideas to include the health arms of jalapeno peppers in your everyday meals:

  1. Add cut-up jalapenos to your favourite meals for a spice and flavour boost.
  2. Mix jalapenos in homemade dips, sauces, and marinades.
  3. Use jalapenos as a tasty topping for nachos, tacos, or buns.
  4. Cook jalapenos and add them to your most-liked soups, stews, or covered dishes.

Serving and Cooking with Jalapeno Peppers

With a wide range of flavours, jalapeno peppers make an excellent choice for many food creations.

Eating Traits

Jalapeno peppers have a bright, vegetable taste and some heat that can be added to loads of dishes. They can be eaten fresh or cooked, adding lots of tastes to varied recipes.

Enjoy the taste of jalapeno peppers:

Eating TraitDescription
FreshBright, vegetable taste, mild heat
CookedRicher, a bit smoky, earthy, hotter heat level

Food Prep Tips

Jalapenos pack a punch. So it’s needed to handle and cook them with care. Right jalapeno prep can help lessen their heat and prevent irritation while cooking and eating.

Try these food prep tips for jalapenos:

Food Prep IssueSolution
Handling irritationWear gloves when dealing with jalapenos. Avoid touching eyes or sensitive skin.
Changing how hot it isTake out the seeds and soft parts to lower heat
Too hot of a heatBalance the jalapeno spice with milder items in the recipe

Well-Known Jalapeno Pepper Recipes

With their nice taste and wide use, jalapeno peppers can be added to lots of well-liked dishes. For example:

  1. Jalapeno poppers: Cheese-filled jalapenos that are coated with bread crumbs and fried for a delicious first course.
  2. Jalapeno cornbread: Spicy jalapenos pair up nicely with sweet cornmeal in this classic side dish.
  3. Jalapeno salsa: Mix fresh jalapenos with tomatoes, onion, and cilantro for a zesty add-on to chips or tacos.
  4. Jalapeno-infused co*cktails: Mush jalapenos in your most-liked blended drinks for an added level of flavour and heat.

I recently came across an article which says that by raising your metabolism, increasing fat burn, and decreasing appetite, jalapeños may aid in weight loss.According to a number of studies, capsaicin and other related substances known as capsaicinoids might increase metabolism by 4-5 per cent daily, which may facilitate weight loss. However, they can definitely not serve as an alternative to exercise and mindful eating.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Also Read: Is Cayenne Pepper Good For You? Understanding Its Health Benefits and Uses


Jalapeno peppers offer a unique mix of flavour, heat, and lots of health perks. With a deep history in Mexico, these peppers have found their way into kitchens and hearts everywhere. As we’ve seen, jalapeno peppers provide key healthful parts, such as vitamins C and E and capsaicin. These help give many health upsides, including soothing swelling, digestive help, and antioxidant perks. Including jalapeno peppers in your meals can uplift your culinary creations and improve your overall well-being.

So, do you want a tasty first course, a zesty dip, or looking to pump up your everyday nutrient intake? Remember, don’t look past the power and wide use of the humble jalapeno pepper. A little bit of heat can go a long way in improving your health and raising your food experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How hot are jalapeno peppers in relation to other peppers?

Jalapeno peppers rank between 2,500 and 8,000 Scoville Heat Units. This puts them at a middle-spice level when compared to other chilli peppers. Even though jalapenos have a clear spice, they tend to be softer than other chilli peppers.

What is the difference between green and red jalapenos?

Green jalapenos are not ripe yet, while red jalapenos are fully ripe. As jalapenos ripen, they tend to get hotter and become a bit sweeter. Both green and red jalapenos can be used as you wish in meals, based on personal heat and flavor likes.

How can I tell if a jalapeno pepper is mild or hot without trying it?

One way to see the heat level of jalapeno is the presence of scars or “stretch marks” on the skin. Peppers with more stretch marks are likely to be spicier, while those with smooth, perfect skin are likely to be milder.

What are some fun ways to use jalapeno peppers in cooking?

You can include jalapeno peppers in many recipes. From first courses like jalapeno poppers to spicy cornbreads and salsas to mixing jalapenos in mixed drinks for a flavour and heat layer. Cooking them raises their depth and complexity in soups, stews, and covered dishes.

What are the safety warnings with Jalapeno?

Contaminated jalapeños have caused outbreaks of illnesses, including salmonella. It’s important to wash all produce before you eat it. Talk to your doctor if you’re pregnant or have a problem with your immune system, your body’s defence against germs.

How Do Jalapeno Peppers Taste Like?

Jalapenos are usually picked green and have a bold, grassy flavour and mildly bitter taste when they are unripened. As they turn red and ripen, they do not get any hotter, but the taste becomes somewhat fruitier and less grassy.


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  6. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Characterization of Capsicum annuum Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Based on Parallel Polymorphism Discovery with a 30K Unigene Pepper GeneChip [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 16]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3568043
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