Riff (2024)

My Singing Monsters
Riffs are masterful musicians. Very little is known about these complex Monsters, but they do have some distinct and unusual habits. For example, Riffs use their flexible toes to select random objects from the ground which they inspect, then eat.
Monster Bio


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Song
  • 3 Breeding
  • 5 Monsters Who Like It
  • 6 Costumes
  • 7 Used in Breeding
  • 8 Statistics
    • 8.1 Earning Rate and Maximum Income
    • 8.2 Feeding Monsters
    • 8.3 Egg Consumption
  • 9 Possible Monster Names
  • 10 Gallery
    • 10.1 In-Game
    • 10.2 Miscellaneous
  • 11 Notes
  • 12 References


Riff is a Quad-Element Monster that is found on Air Island. It was added on September 12th, 2012 during Version 1.0.2. It is best obtained by breeding T-Rox and Tweedle. By default, its breeding time is 24 hours long. Riff has a decent Coin production, and can be useful for beginners before getting Monsters with higher Coin production.


Audio sample:

Instrument: Electric guitar

Performers: Dave Kerr and Dylan Lauzon

Riff's contribution to an island's song is playing an instrument resembling an electric guitar. The "guitar monster" produces sounds matching its real-life counterpart.


Riff can be bred using Monsters that combine to provide all the elements Cold, Air, Water and Earth without repeating any.

The following pairs of Double-Element Monsters can be used to breed a Riff:

However, the combination of a triple-element with single-element Monster has a higher rate of success:

Of these, Congle+Noggin is the best combination, as failing and breeding a Noggin lets you retry the combo almost instantly. T-Rox+Tweedle is a close second, because it has low average times in case of failure.

There is also a small chance of producing a Riff from a failed breeding attempt, using a Riff and a Double-Element Monster.

The Rare version of any monster can be used for breeding instead of the common version.

(Best choice, 100% chance of a Riff if Rare Riff is unavailable)


Every Monster has different things that they like. For every unique object that they like that's placed near the Monster, the Monster's happiness will increase by 25%. Placing more than one of the same liked item near a Monster won't increase its happiness by an additional amount. If there's a Unity Tree on the Island, items don't need to be near the Monster. Below are the things liked by Riff:

See the Likes page to view a complete list of all Monsters' likes.

Monsters Who Like It[]

The following Monster(s) will increase their happiness by 25% when being placed near Riff or when Riff and a Unity Tree are on the Island. These may or may not also be Riff's likes as well:


Main article: Costumes
Riff (60)
Spiny Six-String
Always available30 Riff (61) (discounted)
45 Riff (62) (full price)
Riff (63)
Heavymetal Helmet
Always available50,000 Riff (64) (discounted)
75,000 Riff (65) (full price)
Riff (66)
Seaweed Wraps
Weekly Versus Match25 Riff (67) (discounted)
37 Riff (68) (full price)
Riff (69)
Power of Luff
Riff (70)Season of Love Series30 Riff (71)

Used in Breeding[]

Riff is used in the following breeding combinations:
Bred withResultBreeding Time
Riff (72)
Riff (73)
Riff (74)Riff (75)
Riff (76)
Riff (77)
Riff (78)
Riff (79)
Riff (80)
Riff (81)Riff (82)
Riff (83)
Riff (84)
Riff (85)
Riff (86)
Riff (87)
Riff (88)Riff (89)
Riff (90)
Riff (91)
Riff (92)
Riff (93)
Riff (94)
Riff (95)Riff (96)
Riff (97)
Riff (98)
Riff (99)
Riff (100)
Riff (101)
Riff (102)Riff (103)
Riff (104)
Riff (105)
Rare Reebro
Riff (106)
Riff (107)
Riff (108)
Riff (109)Riff (110)
Riff (111)
Riff (112)
Rare Reebro
Riff (113)
Riff (114)
Riff (115)
Riff (116)Riff (117)
Riff (118)
Riff (119)
Rare Reebro
Riff (120)
Riff (121)
Riff (122)
Riff (123)Riff (124)
Riff (125)
Riff (126)
Rare Reebro
Riff (127)
Riff (128)
Riff (129)
Riff (130)
Riff (131)
Riff (132)
Riff (133)
Riff (134)
Riff (135)
Riff (136)
Rare Schmoochle
Riff (137)
Riff (138)
Riff (139)
Riff (140)Riff (141)
Riff (142)
Epic Noggin
Riff (143)
Riff (144)
Riff (145)
Riff (146)Riff (147)
Riff (148)
Epic Hoola
Riff (149)
Riff (150)
Riff (151)
Riff (152)Riff (153)
Riff (154)
Epic Toe Jammer
Riff (155)
Riff (156)
Riff (157)
Riff (158)Riff (159)
Riff (160)
Epic Tweedle
Riff (161)
Riff (162)
Riff (163)
Riff (164)Riff (165)
Riff (166)
Epic Mammott
Riff (167)
Riff (168)
Riff (169)
Riff (170)Riff (171)
Riff (172)
Epic Schmoochle
Riff (173)
Riff (174)
Any other (non-Single, non-Triple) MonsterRiff (175)
Riff (176)Riff (177)
Riff (178)Riff (179)
Riff (180)
Any other (non-Single, non-Triple) MonsterRiff (181)
Rare Riff
Riff (182)Riff (183)
Riff (184)Riff (185)
Riff (186)
Any other MonsterThe other MonstervariesRiff (187)
Any other (non-Single) MonsterRare variant of the other MonstervariesRiff (188)


Earning Rate and Maximum Income[]

Earning rate is in Coins per minute and depends on Happiness% (Likes increase Happiness) and Monster Level. Each Monster also has a maximum amount of income it can hold at a time. Increasing the Monster's Level also increases this limit.

LevelPer Minute Riff (189)Maximum Riff (190)
0% Happiness25% Happiness50% Happiness75% Happiness100% Happiness

Feeding Monsters[]

Each Monster needs to be fed four times before it reaches the next level. Increasing the Monster's level increases the Coins earned per minute, as well as the maximum Coins earned.

The Treats per level table:
LevelFood Per Feedingx4 Food to Level UpTotal food to reach this Level

More info can be found in the Feeding article.

Egg Consumption[]

While trying to breed other Monsters (particularly Monsters with a very low chance of breeding), the following Wublins, Celestials, and Vessels can be used to "dispose of" Riff eggs immediately, instead of putting them into a Nursery and having that Nursery not be available. Note that doing this for Rare Wublins will cause the Wublin to stop producing currency and the eggs will not expire.

Riff (191)


Riff (192)


Riff (193)


Riff (194)


Riff (195)


Riff (196)


Riff (197)

6 eggs6 eggs5 eggs3 eggs1 egg1 egg

Riff (198)


Riff (199)


Riff (200)

3 eggs1 egg1 egg

Riff (201)

Adult Hornacle

Riff (202)

Adult Glaishur

Riff (203)

Adult Vhamp

Riff (204)

Adult Torrt

Riff (205)

Adult Attmoz
2 eggs2 eggs1 egg2 eggs2 eggs

Riff (206)


Riff (207)


Riff (208)


Riff (209)


Riff (210)


Riff (211)


Riff (212)

2 eggs1 egg1 egg1 egg1 egg1 egg1 egg

Note that Monster eggs can only be "disposed of" before awakening Wublins, Celestials, and Vessels; afterwards those Monsters will not accept any eggs. Also note that Monsters to which you have already disposed the number of Riff eggs that it accepts, will no longer be available as a "recycle bin" for such eggs. Kayna's Vessel has no time limit, and its egg inventory cannot be reset. Awakened Celestials only accept eggs during their corresponding Celestial month.

Possible Monster Names[]

To see all possible names for Riff, see Monster Names.Many of Riff's names are related to guitars.

  • Cormic - References the guitar brand 'McCormick Guitars'.
  • Frett - A fret is a section along the neck of the guitar.
  • Geet - The first syllable of 'guitar'. It also could be a reference to Riff's original name, Geetar.
  • Grind - A grind pedal is an electronic device that causes a guitar's sound to become more distorted.
  • Luftgitar - German for 'air guitar'. This makes sense, as Riff is the Quad of Air Island and plays a guitar.
  • Malak - Arabic for 'angel'. It could reference the wings on its head.
  • Pickles - Could refer to picks, which are small plastic wafers that are used to play the guitar.
  • Scorch - References ‘El Scorcho’, a song by the band, Weezer.
  • Tate - The last name of Geoff Tate, a metal guitarist in the band Queensrÿche.
  • Thrash - A violent type of guitar playing style.
  • Xever - References the guitar brand 'Xaviere Acoustic Guitars'.



Riff (213)

Idle animation

Riff (214)

Discovery screen

Riff (215)

Spiny Six-String discovery screen


Riff (216)

Meet the Monsters

Riff (217)

Concept art shown on MSM Live

Riff (218)

iOS Sticker

Riff (219)

Riff in a Kung Fu Panda parody.


  • Riff's name comes from the term, guitar riff.
  • As revealed in Rare Riff’s bio, Riff's guitar is not actually electric, nor is it a real instrument; it is another monster that shares a symbiotic relationship with Riff.
  • Riff has the highest income of all natural Quad-Element Monsters.
  • Occasionally, Riff will use its wings to hover a short distance above the ground during its song.
  • The name of "Riff" remains constant in all languages.
  • Riff's wing placement seems to move everywhere; in the My Singing Monsters Christmas wallpaper, Riff's wings are shown up high, by its hair; but on an image for Schmoochle leaving, its wings are lower on its body.
  • Riff's original name was Geetar. [1]
  • Riff's guitar is similar to Rare Riff's (green and scaly), and the guitar of Rare Riff is similar to the usual Riff (orange and shaggy-looking).
  • Riff is the only Quad-Element Monster available at Level 7, because it does not use Plant nor Fire.
  • On Air and Gold Islands, Riff bobs its head every third beat. On Tribal Island, it appears to be every two beats instead.
  • Riff's part on Tribal Island is somewhat similar to the intro of the song, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.
  • Being the Quad-Elemental of Air Island, Riff represents the Air Element most prominently in its appearance.
  • When a Riff is first hatched, it is given an artificial guitar to watch over before it enters a symbiotic relationship with a living guitar later in its life.
    • Where the living guitar comes from is still a mystery.




Rare Quint Fire Element

BreedingBreeding CombosEggsFeedingLikesZappingTranslations
Riff (2024)


What is the hardest riff ever? ›

Have a look!
  1. 1. “ Eruption" by Van Halen - A Groundbreaking Guitar Solo. ...
  2. 2. “ Angel of Death" by Slayer - A Fast and Furious Thrash Metal Riff. ...
  3. 3. " The Glass Prison" by Dream Theater - A Complex and Progressive Metal Riff. ...
  4. 4. " Technical Difficulties" by Racer X - A Shred Fest of Speed and Precision. ...
  5. 5. "

What best describes a riff? ›

A riff is either a repeated chord progression or a refrain in music (also known as an ostinato figure in classical music); it is a pattern, or melody, often played by the rhythm section instruments or a solo instrument, that forms the basis or accompaniment of a musical composition.

What makes a catchy riff? ›

If you've played your riff to family or friends, could they sing it back to you? Make It Repetitive: The driving force and backbone of “catchy”. Suitably give it to them and take it away. Add Depth By Following Chord Changes: Add some color and keep that motif going!

What is the banned guitar riff? ›

Why was it considered the 'forbidden riff? ' Despite its popularity, the Stairway to Heaven riff has become known as the “forbidden riff” due to its complicated and controversial copyright history.

What is Metallica's fastest riff? ›

I know it's been discussed before but the consensus always seems to be that Master of Puppets is Metallica's fastest song at 212 BPM. I can verify that Shoot Me Again is a solid 222 BPM song (CD version), beating MoP.

What does "riff" mean in slang? ›

US, informal : to talk about a particular subject in usually a quick and lively way : to deliver a riff on or about a particular subject. He riffed on/about how great the economy was doing.

What is a riff vs run? ›

“A riff you'll find within a phrase or within a word, or syllables with words, as a compliment or an accent to that word or phrase,” said McKay. “While a run is typically longer and generally featured.” You can hear many riffs in Ed Sheeran's “Thinking Out Loud” or Sam Smith's “Lay Me Down.”

Can chords be a riff? ›

Yes, indeed! A riff can be chords. It's all about how you're strumming those strings and creating an appealing pattern of sound.

What counts as a riff? ›

A riff can be a wide range of things - from a melodic lead line that is repeated throughout a song, to a particular chord progression, to even just a single note played with a unique rhythm. Most musicians use the term to describe any musical idea that exists within a song.

How long should a riff be? ›

I define a guitar riff as a short, repeating guitar part. It acts like both a melody and a rhythm, and is usually 1-4 measures long.

What is a riff phrase? ›

1. : an ostinato phrase (as in jazz) typically supporting a solo improvisation. also : a piece based on such a phrase. 2. : a rapid energetic often improvised verbal outpouring.

Why is it called a riff? ›

The riff is a musical motif or idea that is repeated in a song and has a well-defined rhythmic pattern. Even though it is not known where this name came from, some people say that jazz musicians invented the word from the simplification of rhythmic figure.

How to write your own riff? ›

No Rules Here!
  1. Mix two pentatonic scales. Go higher in one, and lower in the other.
  2. Try approaching every note from a semitone below.
  3. Play a riff your love backward.
  4. Develop the dynamics of your riff - Make some loud, others quieter.
  5. Play around with your guitar effects - add some distortion, see how it feels!

What is the heaviest riff ever? ›

Friday Top: 20 Heaviest Riffs of All Time
  1. Black Sabbath By Black Sabbath From Album Black Sabbath.
  2. Alice in Chains - Them Bones. ...
  3. Soundgarden - Outshined. ...
  4. Metallica - Sad But True. ...
  5. Pantera - A New Level. ...
  6. Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss. ...
  7. The Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy) ...
  8. Mastodon - Blood and Thunder. ...
Jan 13, 2023

What's the hardest guitar solo ever? ›

  • Flight of the Bumblebee - Jennifer Batten.
  • Guthrie Govan - Fives.
  • David Lee Roth - It's Showtime! ( Jason Becker)
  • As I Am - Dream Theater (John Petrucci)
  • Electric Sunrise - Plini.
  • Buckethead - Jordan HQ.
  • Within Destruction - Sakura (Jason Richardson)
  • Head Cuttin' Duel - Crossroads movie (Ry Cooder and Steve Vai)
Nov 17, 2023

What is the hardest Slayer riff? ›

Angel of Death” by Slayer — A Fast and Furious Thrash Metal Riff. When it comes to the most challenging guitar riffs in metal, “Angel of Death” by Slayer is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with.

What is the best guitar riff in history? ›

And now, here are some of the best guitar riffs of all time.
  • 5: Guns N' Roses: Sweet Child O' Mine (1988) ...
  • 4: Deep Purple: Smoke On The Water (1972) ...
  • 3: The Rolling Stones: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction) (1965) ...
  • 2: Chuck Berry: Johnny B Goode (1958) ...
  • 1: Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit (1991) ...
  • The best of the rest.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.