Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (2024)







  • 1 Hazbin Hotel staff
    • 1.1 Vaggie
    • 1.2 Husk
    • 1.3 Niffty
  • 2 Overlords
    • 2.1 Alastor
    • 2.2 Rosie
  • 3 Family
    • 3.1 Lucifer
    • 3.2 Lilith
    • 3.3 Razzle and Dazzle
  • 4 The von Eldritch Family
    • 4.1 Helsa von Eldritch
    • 4.2 Seviathan von Eldritch
  • 5 Friends
    • 5.1 Angel Dust
    • 5.2 Emily
    • 5.3 Sir Pentious
  • 6 666 News staff
    • 6.1 Katie Killjoy
    • 6.2 Tom Trench
  • 7 Enemies
    • 7.1 Adam
    • 7.2 Valentino
  • 8 References

Hazbin Hotel staff


Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (1)

Charlie first met Vaggie in an alleyway, with the former patching up her lost left eye, though at the time, Charlie did not know that Vaggie was an Angel. In the present day, Vaggie and Charlie are a couple as well as best friends. Vaggie is supportive of Charlie as shown when she gives her the thumbs up when the former starts her speech about the Hazbin Hotel. Vaggie is also very concerned when talking to Charlie about trusting Alastor due to his reputation in the past.

Vaggie is also extremely protective of Charlie, often threatening or harming people who threaten or insult the latter. However, she can also get frustrated by Charlie's behavior as shown when Vaggie facepalmed when Charlie started singing in order to get the other demons interested in her hotel after Vaggie told her not to do so.

In "Welcome to Heaven", Charlie learns from Adam and Lute that Vaggie was once an Exorcist, which leaves her deeply distraught. In "Hello Rosie!", after returning to Hell, Charlie becomes angry at Vaggie for not sharing her secret with her when she shared all of her own secrets with her, even wondering if everything Vaggie had said and done for her were true. She voices these fears to Rosie, who not only gets Charlie to admit she still loves Vaggie, but recognize that Vaggie truly loves her back based on her actions. This allows Charlie to forgive Vaggie and the two make up.

In "The Show Must Go On", Charlie confides in Vaggie her fears about the upcoming battle, but Vaggie reassures her everything will be fine before the two share a kiss and a duet.


Husk and Charlie met when Alastor summoned Husk for a position as the hotel's bartender. While Charlie greeted Husk with open arms, Husk responded to the princess with surly indifference.

Despite Charlie and Vaggie's orders, Husk does not usually follow any orders due to his negative attitude, being unwilling to participate in the commercial for the Hazbin Hotel or in the trust exercises. From Husk's point of view, he claims that Charlie cares about solving other people's problems instead of her own. In "Masquerade", Charlie worries about Angel's well-being, although Husk tries to calm her down because it was Angel's drama, but in the end he was sent to find him.

Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (2)

In "Dad Beat Dad", when Charlie shows her fears about calling her father, Lucifer, Husk points out that she has daddy issues and makes Charlie hear it twice. In "Hello Rosie!, Husk and the others stayed at the hotel to help Charlie and Vaggie in their battle against the Exorcists, as he had finally warmed up to his new friends, including Charlie. After the battle, Husk joins the group's hug with Charlie to cheer her up and he helps rebuild the hotel.


Niffty and Charlie are co-workers at the Hazbin Hotel; while they have not properly interacted with each other yet, Charlie's reaction when Niffty was brought in to help run the Hazbin Hotel was very favorable.



Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (3)

Alastor assists Charlie with her endeavors. Even though she doesn't trust Alastor as an honest sponsor, Alastor's methods of reeling in more patrons to the hotel and his natural charisma have pressured Charlie to enlist Alastor's help. Despite this, she does keep a safe distance from striking a deal with the radio demon.

In "Dad Beat Dad", Alastor proclaimed that Charlie is like the daughter he never had. However, Vivziepop stated that she doesn't know how authentically fatherly Alastor is, as in the episode he wanted to get under Lucifer's skin and bother him and used Lucifer's wanting a relationship with his daughter to do so.[1]

In "Hello Rosie!", Alastor and Charlie make a deal; Alastor tells Charlie crucial information about the Angels in exchange for Charlie owing him a favor in the future. Alastor bring's Charlie to Cannibal Town go recruit numbers for the big fight against Adam and the Angels.

In "The Show Must Go On", Charlie was visibly saddened when she thought that Alastor died, and is overjoyed when he returns.


Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (4)

Charlie met Rosie in the episode "Hello Rosie!" when she and Alastor traveled to Cannibal Town where they sought her help to fend off the oncoming attack by the exorcist angels. Upon meeting the cannibalistic overlord, Charlie was nervous and a bit desperate to get her help, luckily for Charlie, Rosie took an instant liking to her upon their first encounter, offering her some of her snacks and sided with her plans to get the cannibals of her town to fight against the Exterminators, something Charlie was extremely grateful for.

Rosie also realizes that something was bothering Charlie as she commented that there was "something in her mind than just angels" which was her relationship with Vaggie and how recent events have revealed her as a former exorcist herself. It is then that Rosie sits Charlie down and gives her advice, saying that while what Vaggie in the past was wrong, she never brought it up out of fear of what she would think of her and that it's thanks to Charlie herself that she wants to do better.

It is during this exchange that Rosie acted like a mother figure towards Charlie. The fact that Charlie was willing to talk to Rosie about her troubles with Vaggie isn't surprising however, given her kind and trusting nature, but their talk helped because in the end Charlie not only was able to convince the cannibals to help her defend her hotel but also help fix her relationship with Vaggie.



Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (5)

Charlie is Lucifer's daughter. In the pilot, it is implied that Lucifer does not believe in his daughter's plan to rehabilitate sinners, with Charlie saying "I think Dad was right about me" when calling Lilith about her failed interview. According to Faustisse, despite having immense love for his family, Lucifer is not a good father, but he loves his daughter deeply.[note 1] Nonetheless, Charlie did take his words of dealing with unscrupulous folk to heart, such as Alastor.

As shown in "Dad Beat Dad", Lucifer cares for Charlie deeply and loves her very much. Albeit, he has difficulty showing it and properly expressing his affection for her due to his other issues. Lucifer himself wishes to spend more time with Charlie and desires to feel close to his daughter as they once were when she was child, as seen where he was delighted when Charlie invited him over to her hotel, taking it as Charlie wanting to spend more time together.

Later, Lucifer himself would show jealousy towards Alastor when the latter began showing his "deep" bond with Charlie for his support of her dreams and goals of the Hazbin Hotel. As shown, Lucifer was obviously threatened by Alastor taking Charlie away from him and was incensed when Alastor pointed how little support Lucifer had given Charlie in her dreams, with Lucifer becoming increasingly insecure of his father-daughter bond with her and began to fight with Alastor to get Charlie's attention.

Despite this, it's evident that Charlie still loves her father and even more so craves his approval and support on her hotel and the idea of redemption towards their people, something Lucifer is pessimistic about as he claimed that Heaven isn't willing to listen and has "rules, lots of rules" and they're not as open minded as Charlie hoped, he even went on a tirade on how sinners are "awful" showing how at that moment in time both father and daughter have different views on the inhabitants of the pride ring.

Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (6)

When Alastor protected the hotel from some loan sharks, Lucifer went a step further by telling Charlie how it's not worth trying to redeem sinners who in his eyes are "violent, destructive psychopaths, hellbent on causing as much pain and destruction as possible" which in turn made Charlie snap, claiming Alastor was doing everything in his power to help her and even asked how Alastor has more faith in her than her own father, a question that visibly caught Lucifer off guard.

Charlie nevertheless still wanted her father's help and after they talked it out, Lucifer agreed to get Charlie a meeting with heaven and from this moment on their relationship began to heal.

This was emphasized when Lucifer went to his daughter's aid in "The Show Must Go On", saving her twice from Adam and even beating him up to protect her. His biggest moment of love towards Charlie to date was encouraging her to keep the hotel going and help her and her friends to rebuild the Hazbin Hotel, showing his support for her dream.


Lilith is Charlie's mother. She supports her daughter's wishes of opening the Happy Hotel. Although she loves her daughter dearly, it is shown that she is over-occupied[citation needed] and unable to answer her calls.

Charlie is shown to be more comfortable confiding with Lilith over Lucifer, as Lilith is the first person Charlie turns to via call, however Lilith has not responded to these calls for seven years.

Razzle and Dazzle

Razzle and Dazzle were given to Charlie by her father and they were made her bodyguards. They care about her very much and are very loyal towards the royal family.[citation needed]

The von Eldritch Family

Helsa von Eldritch

Helsa is Charlie's rival.[2] The two butt heads with each other,[3] like when Charlie called her a loser during her song in the show's pilot, much to Helsa's anger and Charlie's joy.

It is also implied that their families have known each other for a long time due to a portrait in the hotel that showed Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie standing next to Helsa and her family.

Seviathan von Eldritch

Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (7)

As seen in a portrait of the two of them during what appears to be a high school prom, Seviathan appears to have previously dated Charlie during her teenage years.

Little is known about what their relationship was like, but they would break up at some point for unknown reasons, it is currently unknown if they broke up during high school or after they graduated.


Angel Dust

Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (8)

Angel Dust is Charlie's first patient at the Happy Hotel. They eventually became friends after the events of the pilot episode. While making fun of the hotel's failure, Angel Dust notices how his taunting upsets Charlie. Feeling bad, he stops and attempts to comfort her, but, knowing he would only make it worse, he instead walks away and leaves her alone.

When asked what his unfiltered thoughts of Charlie are, he says that her happy attitude sometimes makes him happy, however,it mostly annoys him because he thinks thatHellisn't a happy place to live in.

Despite Angel not putting in any effort to redeem himself, Charlie never gave up on him. In "Masquerade", Charlie tried to talk Angel's boss, Valentino, into cutting Angel's hours so he can stay at the hotel more, but after accidentally making everything worse Angel angrily yelled at her to leave, saying she's not helping him. Charlie felt extreme guilt for not listening to Angel and respecting his boundaries and planned to write 100 apology letters and learn about boundaries. When Angel came back with Husk, Charlie tearfully gave Angel a hug and apologized for not listening to him and when Angel forgave her and thanked her for caring about him, Charlie cried tears of joy showing that she truly cares about Angel.


Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (9)

Emily could best be described as Charlie's counterpart in Heaven given how they're both excitable, sweet, friendly, and kind to pretty much everyone. Emily didn't discriminate to others based on mistakes or who they are, shown when she excitedly greeted Charlie and welcomed her to Heaven, despite her being a demon.

Like Charlie, she is disgusted and horrified upon learning about the Extermination and even sang alongside her when they were angry by the hypocrisy of Heaven and despite the heavenly court ruling in favor of Adam, Emily still promises Charlie to find a way to help her, indicating that despite the setback, Emily believes In Charlie's dream.

Sir Pentious

Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (10)

Charlie was the first to welcome Sir Pentious into the hotel. At first, he only gained her trust to infiltrate the hotel under Vox's orders to spy on Alastor. When he was found out by the staff and Angel Dust, he was mocked and abandoned by Vox but given a second chance by Charlie. Her forgiveness and compassion compelled him to truly change and stay at the hotel for real.

While spending time at the hotel, Sir Pentious formed a friendship with Charlie, being considered part of his chosen family. Sir Pentious confides in Charlie, telling her about his feelings for Cherri Bomb and is inspired by her to try to confess. He was able to give his life for his friends, although at an apparent death, devastating Charlie and unleashing her fury against Adam. In honor of Sir Pentious' sacrifice, Charlie and her friends honored him with a painting of him as a general at the front of the rebuilt hotel.

666 News staff

Katie Killjoy

Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (11)

Katie dislikes Charlie for more than just a handful of reasons. Despite being the princess of Hell, Katie herself has stated that she does not care about Charlie's status and frankly looks down upon her and her dreams of rehabilitating sinners.

Charlie did try to be nice to Katie, but when Katie kept on ruthlessly making fun of her idea of the hotel, Charlie had enough and stole her pen and also called her a bitch. Even though itangered Katie enough for her to turn into her final demon form, Charlie didn't hesitate to fight back.

Tom Trench

Though the two have not interacted directly, Tom laughs at her alongside Katie but didn't rag on her idea like Katie did. He is later seen to be set on fire by Charlie during the fist fight with Katie.



Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (12)

Charlie met Adam for the first time when she attended a meeting with him and Lute, in representation of her father, to talk about her project of redemption. However, Adam did not only dismiss her idea but also declared that the date of the Extermination had been changed. This frustrated Charlie and considered Adam an asshole for his attitude as she later told Vaggie in "Dad Beat Dad".

In "Welcome to Heaven", Charlie confronted Adam during a hearing with the rest of Exorcists and Angels, and while it seemed she was winning the debate, Adam disclosed the secret of Vaggie being an angel, which greatly shocked and dismayed Charlie.

In "The Show Must Go On", Charlie faced Adam in battle after the latter seemingly killed Sir Pentious, completely enraged and fueled by her hatred toward him. Despite her father beating Adam, Charlie stopped her father, saying that Adam has had enough, showing that she is willing to give her enemies mercy, something Adam himself never did.


Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (13)

Charlie was enraged by Angel Dust's mistreatment by the hands of Valentino but was unable to do anything about it because Angel Dust had to tell her to leave as she made things worse, unaware that Valentino forced Angel Dust to tell Charlie to leave.


  1. 💖 Designing for the Next HAZBIN HOTEL Comic 💖 (archived). Recorded at 2:10:41.
Charlie Morningstar/Relationships (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.