The Star Dunes (Explorer Academy #4) (2024)


832 reviews109 followers

April 1, 2020

Cruz, Emmett, Sailor, Bryndis, Dugan, and the other Explorers on The Orion are headed to Africa, where they’ll help save gorillas, visit a cheetah sanctuary, and embark on a sandy adventure to find Cruz’s mom’s next puzzle piece. But new found fame, a poisonous encounter, and problems at home get in the Explorers’ way. Will Cruz ever uncover all his mother’s secrets, especially when every answer brings more questions?

Trudi Trueit returns to her enthralling middle-grade the Explorer Academy series with book four, The Star Dunes. I absolutely love this cinematic series and was so excited to dive right into The Star Dunes...and I’m happy report that it does not disappoint one bit.

Fast-paced and full of fun adventure, exciting mysteries, intriguing science, likable characters, and captivating storytelling, this series always offers readers an edge-of-your-seat-up-all-night reading experience. Combining expertly researched real life science, wild imagination, and plenty of thrills, this series educates as much as it entertains. In The Star Dunes, readers join Cruz and his friends on an unforgettable journey in the fascinating landscapes of Africa. Book four is full of cool twists, awesome surprises, and new challenging puzzles and mysteries to solve. I’ve so enjoyed getting to know the smart, capable young heroes and heroines in this series and they all really get a chance to shine in book four.

The Star Dunes is another enthralling and unputdownable book in this wonderfully immersive, educational, and engaging series!

Demeter Kate

272 reviews9 followers

September 28, 2023

In "The Star Dunes" begleiten wir die Hauptfigur, Cruz Coronado, auf seinem neuesten Abenteuer an der Explorer Academy. Dieses Mal verschlägt es ihn in die Wüsten von Ägypten, wo er auf rätselhafte Artefakte und Geheimnisse stößt. Die Handlung ist erneut mit Spannung und Intrigen gespickt.

Was diese Buchreihe auszeichnet, ist die Kombination aus Abenteuer, Wissenschaft und einer vielschichtigen Handlung. Die Charaktere sind gut entwickelt.

Die Integration von wissenschaftlichen Konzepten und Rätseln macht das Buch nicht nur unterhaltsam, sondern auch lehrreich.

Die Illustrationen in "The Star Dunes" sind ansprechend und ergänzen die Geschichte gut, was das Buch auch visuell ansprechend für junge Leser macht.


92 reviews3 followers

November 5, 2022

Flying through this adventure series! I'm obviously hooked and will definitely be recommending Explorer Academy to students

Quotes I want to remember:
“Even when you have a talent or a passion for something you still have to learn the skills. Also, no one expects you to be anything other than yourself. ”

"A weird feeling came over him, a mix of satisfaction and sadness. It was strange, but it was not new.... It was the realization that he was walking where she had walked, touching what she had touched. Cruz was fulfilling her destiny. That was the satisfaction part. The sadness came from meeting people...who knew her and cared for her and missed her as he did. It came from knowing that even if he succeeded in his quest to complete her formula, he was still chasing a ghost. She was gone and nothing Cruz did would ever change that."

“If you’re out to win at any cost, you may find the price is higher than you ever expected to pay.”

Beth Anne

1,308 reviews138 followers

March 5, 2021

Had to finish this one up tonight! Such a fun series: action and adventure mixed with not-too-distant future technology, conservation, teamwork, secret codes, and espionage. After I finished I spent the evening working out the coded message on page 134 with my daughter. Love those fantastic little details!

    2021 mystery


111 reviews2 followers

March 30, 2020

From an 11-year-old: This series just got 100 times better with the addition of book four, The Star Dunes. Equally as gripping and interesting as the previous books, full of vivid, detailed, realistic illustrations, and irresistible. This book is hard to take a break from reading. You absolutely must read the books in order unless you want to be totally confused and for the plot to be not nearly as exciting as it should be. I recommend this book to all aspiring explorers, conservationists, inventors, and scientists.


Taurean Branch

23 reviews

April 4, 2020

I am continuing to love this series of books. They are quick to read and always leave me wanting more. I can’t wait to read the next.


121 reviews

November 10, 2020

This book just made me like the series even more.The nebula will stop at nothing to kill Cruz.Even if that means harming another explorer.A lot happens in this book,and the characters develop a lot.We also get to learn just how hard Cruz might have to work to find his mother's cipher.She has done a really good job hiding it.I LOVE this series.


1 review

March 17, 2020

Excellent book.


1,347 reviews90 followers

October 11, 2022

okei, selle raamatu käigus ma vist arvasin ühe olulise asja ära Cruzi kohta. neid vihjeid oli esimese osa esimestest lehekülgedest peale meile puistatud, nüüd panin pildi kokku.

(praegu mõtlen seda, et huvitav, kas see, kui vähe ja harva Cruzil midagi süüa õnnestub, on ka mingi vihje? alailma jääb tal söögikord vahele, sest midagi tähtsamat tuleb ette. või siis on söök laual ja tema nokib isutult. kui kasvaval lapsel tõesti nii õnnestub elada ja kasvada, siis on võimalik, et meil on tegu supervõimega. nb! kui tuleb välja, et nii ongi, siis see ei ole spoiler, sest ma ei usu seda ise eriti ja arvan, et lihtsalt veits kehvasti kirjutatud raamat ja et autoril on mugav Cruz üksi midagi tegema panna sel ettekäändel, et teised läksid kõik ära sööma.)

esimene raamat sarjas, kus ma olen enamvähem rahul sellega, kuidas erinevad lastevahelised suhted arenevad. Tiim Cousteau saab uue liikme, mis lihtsustab sarja edasist logistikat kõvasti; selgub, et keegi on Cruzi peale kade (no sh*t. arvestades, kuidas teda ja ta paari lähemat sõpra seal laeval selgelt hellitatakse ja teistele eelistatakse, oleks ma ka üsna vihane. nagu, mismõttes pidi igast tiimist üks avastaja minema gorillade juurde ja Costeau koht oli juba täidetud, aga viimasel hetkel on ikkagi Cruz ka pardal? rääkimata sellest, et alailma lennutatakse kuldne kolmik nädalavahetuseks kuhugi minema ja ülejäänud avastajad istuvad muudkui laeval); Cruzi ja Emmetti vahel laheneb vähemalt mõni saladus; ja Dugani rehabiliteerimine jätkub tohutu hooga. aa, ja kuna suure osa raamatust on Bryndis pildilt väljas, siis mõnda aega ei pea muretsema vähemalt sellepärast, kui ebaõiglaselt Cruz temaga (minu meelest) käitub.

raamatu lõpus kena peegeldus tagasi esimese raamatu suunas - stseen salaküttidega, kus selles sarjas esimest korda on selge, et midagi on avastajad oma akadeemias ikka õppinud ka ja et teist korda sarnasesse olukorda sattudes tehakse paremaid otsuseid ja lõpuks ometi ka veidi meeskonnatööd. tohutu kergendus mu jaoks!


757 reviews19 followers

September 12, 2020

Reviewed by James, age 11, 9/12/2020
In the fourth book of this series, our main character, Cruz, has made significant progress on his mother's cipher. But Nebula, the pharma-chemical company, is trying to kill him and dispose of him with all their might. The last thing a drug company wants is something that cures all diseases. That would ruin their business! His mother's next clue (that comes from the holographic journal his mother left for him) leads him to Sossusvlei, Nambi. This is where he will find the next clue that will lead him to the next piece of the cipher. Just as he finds the next clue, Nebula assassins chase him up Big Daddy, the sand dune. He escapes them, but they get his backpack which has something he believes can't be replaced.
At the risk of spoilers I will not go any further. I really liked this book because not only is it really fun, but it is educational. At the end of the book there is a "Truth Behind the Fiction" section that tells you the true elements of the story, because the world in this book is slightly more advanced than the world we live in today. For instance, in the end of the book they capture two poachers and one of them has a laser rifle. Laser rifles don't actually exist, and there were hover platforms and self-driving cars. But it is true that gorillas are much more susceptible to human viruses than we are.

Elizabeth Reid

999 reviews13 followers

September 2, 2020

3.5 stars.
I was really impressed with just about everything in this book (keep reading and I'll tell you about the one thing that DID bug me) as author Trudi Trueit did a fantastic job melding great story telling with learning. The Star Dunes covers geography, conservation, archeology, biology, technology, and science fiction all into a fantastic experience that I really think kids will enjoy.

I learned so much about gorillas, pangolins (confession: I'd never even heard of pangolins until I read this book and I actually googled them to see if Trueit had made them up. Nope, they're real!) and cheetahs. This book even has some cool facts about the animals in the index, which I thought was a fabulous addition.

Okay, now let's talk about the one thing that bothered me about this book: its lack of...

Read my full review here:


Aimi Tedresalu

1,082 reviews41 followers

March 31, 2022

Kas tõesti viimane siiani eesti keelde tõlgitud Avastajate akadeemia laste seikluste raamatutest? On ikka mõnus lugemine olnud küll. Teadusega on põimitud põnevus maailma eri paikades seigeldes, lisaks kaunid illustratsioonid ja mõistatuste lahendamine - mis sa hing veel tahta oskad. Või jah, tahaks veel. Et ise lugeda ja noortele ka soovitada.


125 reviews8 followers

April 20, 2023


Kailey (Luminous Libro)

3,187 reviews488 followers

May 28, 2020

Cruz is in Africa searching for the missing clues his mother left behind for him to find after her death. The explorers help a family of mountain gorillas in Uganda, and then follow the clues to a desert region of Africa. The evil Nebula organization is breathing down their necks, and Cruz is devastated when one of his friends is targeted.

I loved this plot! There is plenty of action and suspense. I never knew what was going to happen next! I really loved that Lani is finally part of the team! She is such an interesting character.

The exotic locations are amazing, and I loved learning about different conservation efforts in Uganda and Namibia and all the national parks. There is a lot of interesting information about poaching and wildlife conservation. It's so interesting to see the true history and real facts about actual places interwoven with the story, especially about how the local towns have learned to coexist with the animals, finding safe and humane ways to keep them away from crops without damaging the ecosystem.

The fictional technology is really cool. This book introduces a fancy camera that can transform to look like a local plant, and takes photos of wildlife when a motion detector goes off. Of course, Mell, the honeybee robot drone, is always by Cruz's side, ready to protect her master. I just love that cute little bee!

Once again, I loved Cruz's character development in this book. He grows and learns so much in every single book so far, and this book became a turning point for him. He has grown in confidence, and he is starting to have dreams and goals of his own. He is more confident in his personal relationships too. He's more willing to step back and let others shine, because he doesn't have to prove himself.

I really enjoyed the writing style, which has both some serious situations and some humor to keep things light. The pacing is excellent. The writing kept my attention and had me turning those pages.

The artwork is a cool mixture of illustrations overlaid on top of real photographs, and it adds a wonderful dimension and depth to the story. I loved seeing the characters brought to life in the artwork, as well as the beautiful locations they visit. It really makes a special addition to the story!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts and are not influenced by anyone.

    favorite-middle-grade-and-ya owned-books


274 reviews7 followers

January 4, 2021

Daniel and I finished reading another book in this series! They are so good. We love this series - the characters (esp Cruz, Emmitt, Lani, Sailor, Bryndis, Dugan, Taryn, Aunt Marisol, Fanchon...) are so interesting. In this book, Cruz finds the 4th piece of the cipher - in Namibia. Before he found that piece, the team had gone on a mission to save gorillas from an illness and while there, Bryndis collapsed. Turns out Nebula had put poison in his duffel bag for him, but Bryndis asked to borrow it and instead she was poisoned. She almost died, but Fanchon was able to find the antidote and Bryndis spends the rest of the story in the hospital, but we are lead to believe, she will recoved. In order to get more clues about the cipher, Cruz had to go on a 7+ hour car ride (with Dugan, by accident!) to a place called Deadvlei to figure out the clues his mom left him. He met a dear friend of hers, Dr. Jo, who gave him a t-shirt (when he was hoping she had the cipher piece!). In the Auto Auto in the dark, his t-shirt was glowing, he and Dugan read the message - another riddle. They found the tree pictured on the t-shirt and inside the tree was a trap door and there was a note on pink paper that his mom left for him. On the note, was a picture of big paws and little paws. Cruz and Dugan rode all the way back and he rushed to Dr. Jo's workplace - he had figured out the riddle. His mom had hidden the cipher piece inside the frame of the photo she had taken of a mother cheetah and her cub and had given that framed photo to Dr. Jo. So, Cruz has found 4 of the 8 cipher pieces. On his way to the desert, the Auto Auto car was hit and always went off a cliff, but he and Dugan survived the crash. Then men were chasing them just as he had time to get the piece of paper from the dead tree trunk and they narrowly escaped being caught. Since Dugan was in the Auto Auto by accident when Cruz snuck off, he and Dugan were able to really talk and Dugan explained that his younger brother, Rivik, was struggling at home without Dugan. It helped Cruz understand why Dugan was so rough and mean, and they passed into a new level of friendship. Another great book, we can't wait to read the next one!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


146 reviews1 follower

January 4, 2021

Daniel and I finished reading another book in this series! They are so good. We love this series - the characters (esp Cruz, Emmitt, Lani, Sailor, Bryndis, Dugan, Taryn, Aunt Marisol, Fanchon...) are so interesting. In this book, Cruz finds the 4th piece of the cipher - in Namibia. Before he found that piece, the team had gone on a mission to save gorillas from an illness and while there, Bryndis collapsed. Turns out Nebula had put poison in his duffel bag for him, but Bryndis asked to borrow it and instead she was poisoned. She almost died, but Fanchon was able to find the antidote and Bryndis spends the rest of the story in the hospital, but we are lead to believe, she will recoved. In order to get more clues about the cipher, Cruz had to go on a 7+ hour car ride (with Dugan, by accident!) to a place called Deadvlei to figure out the clues his mom left him. He met a dear friend of hers, Dr. Jo, who gave him a t-shirt (when he was hoping she had the cipher piece!). In the Auto Auto in the dark, his t-shirt was glowing, he and Dugan read the message - another riddle. They found the tree pictured on the t-shirt and inside the tree was a trap door and there was a note on pink paper that his mom left for him. On the note, was a picture of big paws and little paws. Cruz and Dugan rode all the way back and he rushed to Dr. Jo's workplace - he had figured out the riddle. His mom had hidden the cipher piece inside the frame of the photo she had taken of a mother cheetah and her cub and had given that framed photo to Dr. Jo. So, Cruz has found 4 of the 8 cipher pieces. On his way to the desert, the Auto Auto car was hit and always went off a cliff, but he and Dugan survived the crash. Then men were chasing them just as he had time to get the piece of paper from the dead tree trunk and they narrowly escaped being caught. Since Dugan was in the Auto Auto by accident when Cruz snuck off, he and Dugan were able to really talk and Dugan explained that his younger brother, Rivik, was struggling at home without Dugan. It helped Cruz understand why Dugan was so rough and mean, and they passed into a new level of friendship. Another great book, we can't wait to read the next one!


808 reviews15 followers

May 12, 2020

The Star Dunes picks up immediately where The Double Helix left off. Teen Cruz is trapped in a deep hole while his classmates are excavating a Turkish archaeological site. Trueit starts off this installment of the Explorer Academy series with some intense action: Cruz is swept out of the hole by rushing water that tumbles him through lava tubes before depositing him in a prehistoric cavern filled with untouched artifacts. And then things really get going. All the young explorers continue their education in Uganda and Namibia, where they must inoculate mountain gorillas, track cheetahs and pangolins, and thwart poachers. On top of the course load, Cruz and his close friends continue to decipher clues left by his mother that will ultimately lead to a formula that will change medicine forever. And just in case that sounds too easy, big-pharma Nebula is trying to kill Cruz before he discovers it.

Trueit set the bar high with The Nebula Secret (book one), and has continued to deliver action-packed conservationist adventures with each installment. I have flown through each book and been fascinated by the back matter, which introduces real scientists and conservationists who inspired the characters, inventions, and events of each book. Trueit combines imagination and research to present a believable world in which Cruz and his friends continue to unravel a mystery that takes them around the globe. The plot is thrilling. The work the students execute is inspiring. The characters are relatable. T can't wait to read this series, and I am excited to share it with him. I continue to wholeheartedly recommend this series for middle grade through middle school readers. Literally – I've told my mom to buy this series as a gift for different kids. I stand by that advice!

One improvement that I noticed with The Star Dunes is that photographs were included alongside illustrations. I liked seeing the actual locations the explorers visited. (I read an advance copy of The Double Helix, in which art was not included, but the photos in Dunes stood out more than any art in Nebula Secret.)

Note: A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.


K.L. Bernard

Author1 book21 followers

May 23, 2021

Cruz Coronado is on another adventure with his team exploring an archeological site hoping to find a tomb in Turkey. But, Cruz experienced a misstep and fell down a hole and was separated from his team. He later learned that Nebula had threatened to kill him on his 13th birthday, which was the present day and steal his journal. He was safe and so was his journal, at least for the time being. Cruz would continue to keep his mom’s formula safe along with the three interlocking stones he had found.

For those young readers who have been following the Explorer Academy series, book four will not disappoint. As Nebula and its spies continue to chase and do harm to the main characters, the suspense rises as Cruz gets closer to solving his mother’s clues and finding the answers he needs. Parents and teachers can share this series for more than just a good read. There are puzzles, technology, history and travels that can truly engage readers and get them to want to learn more.


8 reviews

March 26, 2023

Bryndis en het gif.

Deel 4 van 7 van de Explorer Academy boekenserie.

Gedurende zijn schooltijd op ‘De Orion’ zit Nebula voortdurend achter Cruz aan, en moet hij steeds op zijn hoede zijn terwijl hij het 4e stukje van de formule probeert te bemachtigen.

Het eerste deel van het boek was wat eentonig, en de serie begon voorspelbaar te worden. Echter na het bezoek aan de berggorilla’s blijf je doorlezen omdat je wil weten hoe het afloopt. Ook krijgt Lani gedurende het boek een andere rol in het verhaal, iets wat veel beter bij haar past.

Wederom een leuk en meeslepend verhaal om te lezen.



8 reviews7 followers

January 4, 2021

This book is full of adventure and action, especially with Cruz, Aunt Marisol, and Fanchon. It is a sensational middle-grade book that will inspire young readers. Even though Nebula tries to stop and prevent Cruz from finding his next cipher to create his mom's formula, he still finds a way to find the cipher and escape, but sometimes at a cost. From lush jungles to deadpan deserts, the book has everything about Africa. I would recommend this book to anyone that is interested in reading the 4th book of the series, animals in Africa, people that enjoy adventure, or just like books.


669 reviews

April 10, 2021

4/5/2021 - 7/10

Book 4 is another good entry to the series. It's similar to the rest - a good adventure with some mystery, good characters, lots of science and culture, and my 6 year old loves it. One thing is starting to annoy me a bit: Cruz does make a lot of bad decisions in terms of not trusting his support group (not telling people about a spy, go after poachers without letting adults know, going to the dunes, etc). I realize this helps further the plot, but it just seems dumb.


Chloe 文琪

319 reviews5 followers

June 29, 2021

Just another episode in Cruz’s adventure against Nebula, and boy this was serving.
I really loved the last part of the book—redeeming Dugan. Throughout almost the entire series, the author had been forcing him in the same sUspicioUs corner. Yeah, glad that’s over, haha.

Cruz and Dugan by the way, would not mind if they got together instead of the current pairing...

I learned a lot and had fun! It’s the kind of thing you can go back to and know what you’d getting :,)

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Al Gritten

519 reviews5 followers

October 18, 2021

One of my Scouts got me started reading this series, which is really for teens, but I got hooked on the first book and have really enjoyed it. Her characters are good and the plot is well done. She is partnered with National Geographic and so each book explores science, technology and wildlife conservation that is cutting edge and ongoing and the way she ties these in with the books makes them an interesting read. Looking forward to the last two...


1,647 reviews51 followers

March 8, 2023

The adventures of Cruz and Team Cousteau just keep getting better and better . . . and more and more fraught with the mystery of who exactly is working for Nebula and if Cruz will be able to secure his mother's legacy before he's caught.
I'm not really able to say more without giving away spoilers, but I'm eager to find out what happens next!

Caprice Hokstad

Author11 books11 followers

March 21, 2020

The main thing wrong with these books is the very abrupt and unsatisfying endings. This is a series I should have waited until all the books were out and binged them all in order. Too long between releases. When is book 5 due?

Two BookWorms Blog

482 reviews2 followers

May 29, 2020

As always, I love learning about the real scientists who are working in the field and love that this series shares their information with young readers.

For the full review:


194 reviews

August 25, 2020

I love this book series! It is fun, adventurous, and great for any middle grade fiction fan! You also get to learn cool things about nature and history. For any person with that explorer spark, please read this!

ZariYah Champlin

5 reviews

October 12, 2020

ILTBSM! (I Love This Book So Much!) Like another review said, you HAVE to read the books in order, or it will not make sense. This series is so cool and I think the final book is coming out on January 5, 2021. Can’t wait to finish the series!

Keefe Sencen

119 reviews12 followers

January 20, 2022

rolling uncontrollably down a sand dune being chased by the men in black losing your backpack on the way down oh no! you lost your tablet how are you going to play geometry dash now your life is over poor cruz

The Star Dunes (Explorer Academy #4) (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.