Trolls (folklore) (2024)

Trolls are a type of monsters found mainly in Norse mythology but has since spread into the realms of fairy tales and fantasy as a popular antagonist in countless tales - in the old tales trolls were seen as generally malignant and cruel humanoids ranging from gigantic size to humanoid or smaller statures (no one size description can fit them all) and were normally seen as hideously deformed, though they were often depicted with shape-shifting abilities and other magical powers.

While Trolls are seen as a species of their own right in many older tales the word "troll" simply means any number of malicious small-to-mid scale ogres or gnomes: in later tales a Troll is given a distinct physiology that consists of a large bulbous nose, wrinkled skin, a tufty tail and an often hunched form - they are also usually covered in coarse hair and are seen as smelly, stupid and violent.. a warning against "wild men" or the unknown, which many feared in the past.

More humanoid trolls also existed and in general these more humanoid trolls were seen as more pleasant, taking to wearing human clothing and even forming family and friends - in contrast to their ugly, monstrous cousins in the wild.


  • 1 Legends
  • 2 (In)Famous Trolls in Media Depiction
    • 2.1 Berserk
    • 2.2 Trollhunter (2010)
  • 3 Gallery
    • 3.1 Images
    • 3.2 Videos
  • 4 External Links
  • 5 Navigation


Trolls lived in mountains, rocks and caves - normally solitary creatures they sometimes lived in small family groups consisting of either a mother and her son or a father and his daughter, they rarely helped others and were often depicted as man-eaters, tricksters and violent: later tales told of how Trolls would turn to stone or explode if exposed to direct sunlight and for this reason many landmarks in Scandivia are attributed to Trolls. Also Scandinavian folk believes that lightning frightens away trolls and Jötnar which maybe a reflection of the deity Thor's role in fighting various monsters.

Trolls are also said to be able to smell the blood of Christians and like many pagan-spirits go into a rage upon finding Christians near their territories, the reasoning behind this is that Trolls once ruled Norway and the surrounding lands but the arrival of Christianity robbed them of their previous power, forcing them to flee into the wilderness and the bells of traditional churches hurt the Trolls ears (being sensitive to the sound of bells).

Legends persist of trolls who would throw large boulders at churches in anger and perhaps vengeance for these perceived wrongs but it is generally believed that the Trolls (much like other fairy folk) ultimately disappeared from Norway sometime in the past, though some people still like to envision them as being real beings (usually this is more for tourism or entertainment, very few believe in them as active supernatural forces in today's world).

Numerous tales from Europe are recorded about trolls in which they are frequently described as being long-lived, very strong (compared to humans), but slow, obtuse and dimwitted. However, trolls from other parts of European regions are depicted as looking much the same as human beings, without any particularly hideous appearance about them.

Trolls were also said to be afraid of thunder, which had strong connections to the Norse god Thor, who made a great habit of slaying giants, trolls and other malicious creatures during his rule in Norse mythology.

(In)Famous Trolls in Media Depiction[]


Trolls in Berserk are a rapacious predatory race from the nightmarishly dark spiritual world of Qliphoth. They are hairy, simian humanoid beings with black furs. Despite their feral appearances (and feral in habit), trolls have some degree of intelligence, as shown by their ability to utilize tools. Like many inhabitants of the Qliphoth, the trolls are born from the darkest thoughts of humanity's collective subconscious and thus are as beastly as the thoughts they were spawned from. The trolls have little ability for self-reliance, and thus often steal materials from humans. They are also cannibalistic, usually eating their own when one is either wounded or dying. Trolls also eat humans and livestock, usually during raids.

They seem to breed through impregnating human women that they drag to their lair by raping them ceaselessly day and night (from looks of women victims appearing emaciated they are raped with little to no foods until they are either impregnated or die of starvation), the women later dying when the litters of infant trolls claw their way out of the womb and eat the host parent's flesh: Indicating that Trolls' are prolific breeders and their maturity cycles are alarmingly fast.

It must be noted that although nothing more than nuisance against Guts and his party, Trolls are formidable monsters against normal humans.

Trollhunter (2010)[]

See: Trolls (Troll Hunter)

Trolls appear in the 2010 science fiction film Trollhunter as hostile creatures which portrayal given a psuedo-scientific twist akin to the dragons from Reign of Fire.



Trolls (folklore) (1)

A troll battling a human

Trolls (folklore) (2)

Trolls (folklore) (4)

Berserk's interpretation of trolls.

Trolls (folklore) (5)

Trolls (folklore) (6)

Trolls (folklore) (7)

Trolls (folklore) (8)

Trolls (folklore) (9)

Trolls (folklore) (10)


Trolls (folklore) (11)

Grieg - In the Hall of the Mountain King

External Links[]


Trolls (folklore) (12)

Notable Legends
Beldams |Bogeyman |Bunyip |Centaurs | Chupacabra |Cyclops |Dragons |Demons |Devil |Dullahan |Fairies |Ghosts |Ghost Pirates |Ghouls|Giants |Goblins |Golems |Gremlins |Grim Reaper |Hags |Headless Horseman |Kraken |Lake Monsters |Loch Ness Monster |Medusa |Minotaur |Monsters |Mothman |Mummies |Ogres |Revenants |Sea Monsters |Sirens |Skeletons |Spiders |Swamp Monsters |Trolls |Umibōzu |Undead |Vampires |Wendigo |Werewolves |Wyverns |Yeti |Zombies

Theology Legends (Demonology, Gods & Spirits)
Main: Theology Villains

Humans & Humanoids
Abhartach |Absalom |Aigamuxa |Ajax the Lesser |Amata |Ame-onna |Amaron |Amnon |Amulius |Amazons Andvari |Antaeus |Atreus |Aos Si |Astral Vampires |Bandits |Baobhan Siths |Baron Samedi |Bean Clan |Black Rock Witch |Blair Witch |Blunderbore |Bolster |Busiris |Cacus |Cain |Cassiopeia |Cercyon |Circe |Christie Cleek |Christman Genipperteinga |Chullachaki |Cleek's Clan |Creon |Cycnus |Danaides |Danaus|Davy Jones |Delilah |Draug |The Faceless Phantom of Venice |General Jan Smuts | Giddianhi | Goblins |Goliath |Gomorrahites |Green Knight |Green Man of Knowledge |Green Witch |Hags |Haman the Agagite |Hanako-San |Herod the Great |Herodias |Horsem*n of the Apocalypse |Humanity |Iemon |Ixion |Jezebel |Judas Iscariot |Jure Grando |King Ahab |King Arthur |King Oenomaus |King Vortigern |Kuchisake-onna |Laius |La Tunda |Lilith |Lord William de Soulis |Louhi |Lucius Tiberius |Lycaon |Marry-san |Meg of Meldon |Morag |Morgan le Fay |Nanny Rutt |Nessus |Orang Minyak |Otus and Ephialtes |Pandarus |Paris |Phaedra |The Pharisees |Pisadeira |Polyphemus |Procrustes |Rich Man |Romans |Saci |Saul |Sawney Bean |Simeon |Sciron |Shechem |Sinis |Sko-Ella |Sodomites |Soumaoro Kanté |Tadodaho |Tamamo no Mae |Tantalus |Tereus |Thyestes |Turnus |Tydeus |Xenu |Yakub |Yallery Brown |Ysbaddaden |Zahhak

Ghosts, Paranormal Beings & Spirits
Bloody Mary|Bell Witch|Black Monk of Pontefract|Banshees|Duppy|Crew of the Flying Dutchman|El Silbón|Hendrik Van der Decken|Hanako-San|Hinnigami|Lord William de Soulis|La Llorona|La Santa Compaña|La Sayona|La Viuda|Tunche|Teke Teke|Onryo|Poltergeists|Stingy Jack|Mackenzie Poltergeist|Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square|

Aliens & Ufology
Aliens (AC) |Dover Demon |Greys|Reptoids|Hopskinville Goblins|Flatwoods Monster|Men in Black|Xenu

Abo Ragl Ma Slokha|Black Annis|Black Volga's Driver|Bugbears|Boggarts|Baba Yaga|Coco|Krampus|Grýla|Yule Cat|Yule Lads|Sack Man|Sacamantecas|Namahage|Metminwi|Tokoloshe|Whipfather|Wewe Gombel|

Monsters, Animals & Anthropomorphic Beings
Afanc |Ahuizotl |Akhlut |Akkorokamui |Amarok |Amemasu |A-mi’-kuk |Ao Ao |Averasboro Gallinipper |Bakeneko |Basilisk |Boneless |Chaneques |Chimera |Cirein-cròin |Clurichaun |co*ckatrice |Count Dracula|Cuegle |Cuélebre/Culebre |Devil Monkeys |Dip |Dragon |Dry Body |El Comelenguas |Erymanthian Boar |Escornau |Fouke Monster |Giants of Voronezh |Goblins |Golden Cicada |Grendel |Grendel's Mother |Groundhogs |Hidebehind |Harpies |Herensuge |Hydra |Ijiraq |Jackalopes |Jasy Jatere |J'ba Fofi |Jiangshi |Krampus|Kappa |Kigatilik |Kinie Ger |Kurupi |Liches |La Cegua |Lambton Worm |Leviathan |Manticores |Michigan Dogman |Mikari Baba |Monster of Mount Bandai |Morag |Mordred |Morgan le Fay |Mungoon-Gali |Nekomata |Ojáncanu |Onamazu |Orcs |Otesánek |Paparrasolla |Pesanta |Pombero |Qallupilluk |Rougarou|Redcaps (Robin Redcap) |River Mumma |Scylla |Sphinx |Stymphalian Birds |Tailypo |Tarasque |Te Wheke-a-Muturangi |Tikbalang |Tizheruk |Thardid Jimbo |Thinan-malkia |Tokoloshe |Trolls |Trauco |Tupilaq |Typhon |Undead |Whowie |Will O' The Wisp

Beast of Bray Road |Beast of Gévaudan |Black Eyed Children |Black Stick Men |Blue Devil |Cherufe |Devil Monkeys |Dog-headed Men |Emela-Ntouka |Enfield Horror |Fear Liath |Flatwoods Monster |Ghosts |Goatman |Grafton Monster |Greys |Highgate Vampire |Hoop Snake |Indrid Cold |Jackalopes |Jersey Devil |Kelpie of Loch Ness |Kongamato |Malawi Terror Beast |Mamlambo |Manananggal |Maricoxi |Mngwa |Momonjii |Morag |Morbach Werewolf |Nobusuma |Ogua |Pope Lick Monster |Popobawa |Pukwudgies |Reptoids |Roc |Ropen |Salawa |Sea Serpents |Shadow People |Sheepsquatch |Slide-Rock Bolter |Snallygaster |Spring Heeled Jack |Tanuki |Thunderbird |Two-Toed Tom |Water Horses |White-Eyed Children |Yowie

Urban Legends
Aliens (AC) |Amanda the Doll |Black Goo |Bloody Mary |Bunnyman |Charlie |China Doll |Clown Doll |Crisis |Crying Boy |Ghost (Johnny, I Want My Liver Back) |Ghost Trains |Hairy-Armed Woman |Hatman |Homey the Clown |Hook Killer |John and Susan Buckley |Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll |Kankandara |Kidney Thieves |Kunekune |La Tunda |Licking Maniac |The Man Upstairs |Martinez Dog Demon |Melon Heads |Men in Black |Momo |Mystery Killer |Nain Rouge |Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square |Orie Chef |Paimon |Patasola |Robert the Doll |The Seeker |Skinned Tom |The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water |Teke Teke

Conspiracy Theories
Illuminati | Rain Man

Possessed Objects
Amanda the Doll |China Doll |Clown Doll |Coffin on Wheels |Curse Jar |Ghost Trains |Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll |Painting of the French War |Robert the Doll

See Also
Theology Villains |Creepypasta Villains |SCP Foundation Villains |Trevor Henderson Villains

Trolls (folklore) (2024)


What is the mythology about trolls? ›

In Norse mythology, for instance, trolls were supernatural beings synonymous with shapeshifting giants called the jötnar. Trolls are most often characterized as brutish, self-serving creatures who are antagonistic to humans and represent the forces of nature. Trolls typically live in mountains, forests, or caves.

What kills trolls in mythology? ›

Trolls are repelled by lightning, which kills them instantly. Likely the reason is their run-ins with Thor, who is said to have hunted trolls across the land. Some legends certify that trolls turn to stone when exposed to sunlight.

What is the story of trolls? ›

troll, in early Scandinavian folklore, giant, monstrous being, sometimes possessing magic powers. Hostile to men, trolls lived in castles and haunted the surrounding districts after dark. If exposed to sunlight they burst or turned to stone.

What do trolls do to humans? ›

The trolls have little ability for self-reliance, and thus often steal materials from humans. They are also cannibalistic, usually eating their own when one is either wounded or dying. Trolls also eat humans and livestock, usually during raids.

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